
"I think your idea of piracy is exaggerated. The numbers aren't high and Sony is taking this way out of hand acting like a drama queen because of a few thousand people hacking it, out of the MILLIONs."

I think you're missing my point. I don't care about any of that. All I care about are the repercussions which Sony is going to dish out because people wanted to do 'stuff' with their ps3.

Did you read my post? I don't care what it's 'about'. I don't give a s**t how righteous you feel. I don't care that Sony gave you a boo boo on your feelings when they took away Linux. All I care about is what Sony is gonna put me through because of hackers.

I know I'm going to take some shit for this, but...

This post is awesome. There was no need to mention ex-soldier in the headline at ALL. The only time it should have been mentioned is in passing, the same as when, in other news stories, the author says; "John Smith, a former nurse from Ohio...".

I don't know what kind of shit I'm going to take for saying this, but I'm going to tell you why:

Sure we are! For example, this...

I...I think we're agreeing with each other.

Agreed. Especially on the cross-game voice chat. But, check out what MPLightning replied with.


"Speculation is nice, but why are PC gamers more likely to accept short lifespan of hardware than console gamers?"

I'm not saying that the companies would want you to replace your hardware every six months. What I am saying is this: the 360 came out in 2005 and can still run everything that's made for it. Do you think-if the PC was the lead gaming platform-that your video card would last for six years?

"They do not have the sufficient hardware to run any game properly (i.e. Integrated graphics from the jurassic period), yet expect run the latest games."

"Nah, I'm just f**kin' wit U guys."

Yeah, but let's face it: on this issue there is no such thing as general consensus.

What? No Kane &/or Lynch? Is everyone who voted a moron?

see my response to emp

see my response to emp

See my response to emp

What you guys are saying does make sense. The only thing I would say is that your money examples and assessment of the life of the PC is based on a gaming market that is currently focused on console gaming. Sure, there are PC exclusives, but the majority of games released are ported from the consoles. That's why