
Holy crap that Chinese characters plot point sounds awful. This discussion is the perfect summation of everything wrong with Berlanti shows


Seriously disappointed this wasn't the top comment

There was a series in development about the Dance but now this is a different one that seems to be an anthology show. Startibg from the beginning

Bwahahahah best comment

I think the news was that the KoTT was being developed by someone else that wasn't DnW or Johnson. It a separate thibg

Should miller and lord really be included with them though? By all accounts some of the best scenes in the movie made were by them. Not to mention they were hired in the first place and fired because the movie was too much like a lord and miller movie! 

HBO must've changed their minds afterward cause one of them said they were offered more seasons and episodes but they wanted to end it right away "to stick to their original plan"

Im pretty sure he's been done since Shazam's filming

Didnt stop em from.making a supergirl show 😉

Wait isn't that a villain from the legion? Is that a descendant of Superman!?? Honestly that sounds amazing. Bunch of books with some brain in a suit but it turns out it's freaking Superman's grandson

Considering they’ll probably rip off a bunch of stuff from Endgame and IW ok m the crossover, maybe they’ll have time pass on all the shows

He shouldve added "totally American" too....they staright up should've said Bruce Wayne grew up in Britain after his parents deaths... XD

Lol Titans Bruce is “middle aged”. Maybe III m season 1 but clearly Dick hadn't seen him for like 20 Yu ears cause he's at least 65 XD

I hope they learned from the Kingdom Come suit and fix it

I hope the writing is actually good though! Ok m hoping it’s Superman in space since they said they’d be leaving on the last crossover. It’d be a nice way to set supergirl and him apart. And I hope they get a bigger budget.

Errr she’s produced classics so she’s not ah She just doesn’t seem to be a good fit for Star Wars.

The crossover will still be going on in January. They’re probably doing a cliffhanger like Infinity War in December

Yeah I think it was a BvS fan screening. Not even critics. Coupled with the report that executives gave it a standing ovation made it worse. I believe Suicide squad and Fanfourstic had good tweets by critics at first too...

Absolutely all this. Also we’re half way through the season and the team hasnt done much outside their tower.