

This has been the best update and hope that whenever 50vs50 returns we get an option to just spawn at TT.

Supposedly it’s going to be free sometime this year, so maybe that’s how it survives and maybe even improves?

You left out the one with the glorious sharks!

Naw the expandables just aren’t much fun

I sometimes mix up Titan AR with treasure planet...

I’m pretty sure that was to get a bunch of heated discussions to the post that consisted of two images.

Makes the stiff animation in the game less forgivable then...

Wasn’t that on the ps3? They still kept online free for ps3, wasnt ps4 the one that required ps plus for multiplayer?

He doesn’t have to talk, I hope it’s like Mario Sunshine

Get a cute puppy to be in peril..?

He’s been accused of sexual assault several times

Yeah it’s messed. I used to think about how cool it was, but kinda weird that they had  fans in their fights, but after the signore thing I can’t help but feel sick.

From what I recall from the movies, the jackass crew only messed with each other, they werent running around in public

What makes me nervous is that Sony will pull ps+ support from ps3

I got so emotional I went to get some cigarettes....never went back

Also Luke did have a ton of seen in TFA.....they couldn’t all be his kids

A guy named Ackbar blowing others and himself up? Not really wise cause real world reasons

Is it common for HUDs of games to burn in? That seems worrisome

Is it common for HUDs of games to burn in? That seems worrisome

It’s like how that guy creeped up in Helga. If he wasn’t a creep he’d prolly have a shot.