"I had to go through this to teach my little one that you have to love yourself before anyone else will."
"I had to go through this to teach my little one that you have to love yourself before anyone else will."
At what point in history was it decided that women were sub-human? Was it the mythical tale about Adam and Eve and how she steered the man to the dark side? What about cultures that don't believe in the Bible, what made them decide women were the lowest form of life and to be treated accordingly?
This is what I was going to write. This was but one of many instances.
Unless my memory fails me I think he has already gotten the "degrading the dignity of the office" line for appearing on Letterman before.
Were any of these same "dignity" people putting on the pearl-clutching act when Joe Wilson heckled the President DURING THE STATE OF THE UNION ADDRESS? I'm gonna guess no.
Yeah, this is a huge mistake. Because nothing is funnier than the President crawling around on the floor of the Oval Office, joking about looking the non existent weapons of mass destruction. You know, the reason we invaded Iraq and thousands of Americans and Iraquis died. So who is President Obama to make jokes about…
Degrading the office is a pretty common charge, but it gets hurled at this President so frequently that we know it's about race.
Please, they're just mad that they don't have the same ppl on their side to pull off the same thing. It's the same thing with the accusations of dems using celebs, then repubs turning around inviting Clint Eastwood and his magical chair on stage.
Jim Avila suggesting that anyone lost dignity is hilarious. I went to high school with his kids and his divorce from their mother... well, let's just say there was some dignity lost there... but of course "Avila" is not his real name, and he was just a local reporter in Chicago at the time, so you don't see much about…
He used a medium favored by his target audience (young adults) to reach his target audience. I fail to see the issue here, other than that the Republicans are upset that more people are going to sign up for health insurance.
"In fact, some in the media accused the two of degrading the "dignity" of the presidential office."
On Reagan: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/We_begin_…
This happened LIVE during the Cold War.
He also married Aaliyah at age 15 and wrote "Age Ain't Nothing But a Number" for her to perform. He is definitely a proud and unrepentant pedophile/ephebophile, and the industry turns a blind eye and protects him because he generates so much revenue. But I didn't lose any respect for Gaga for performing with him,…
Renowned child predator R. Kelly. And if all you remember about R. Kelly is the time he videotaped himself pissing on an underaged girl you have missed a goldmine of horrible. It never really made big news in the headlines because he's a celebrity and can get away with anything, but the handful of people actually…
You guys: did you not pay attention to the fact that he has shown good behavior for four years now?! In four whole years, he hasn't tortured, killed, chopped up, or fed to dogs a single person. Why aren't we talking about all those dudes in prison he hasn't massacred?
If you wanted her to throw up on cue, why bother with the fingers? It would have been far fast to just show her a picture of the new Kinja commenting system.
This would probably have been the last straw for me with Gaga if she hadn't already done a 'sexy' duet with a pedophile rapist, which the point where I actually gave up on her. This is just validating my decision, like the reveal that her charity is just a sham like most other vanity charity projects.
Oh Gaga
I've been saying "fuck Gaga" for years, but holy shit. Seriously, fuck you, Gaga. Your "art" is bullshit.