
I really like their new uniforms!!

I can assure you that you probably can't name any so-called Black leader that I or any of the Black people I know are "following". And yes, lots and lots of politicians, churchy types, and people who don't want women to have equality are constantly trying to the end the "nonsense" of women having control over their

It's always been my strong belief that the conscious or subconscious motivation motivation behind this anti-abortion (and the bizarrely antiquated anti-contraception) movement is fuelled by paranoia over the declined White birthrate. These people think that feminism, multiculturalism, and liberal values have led their

I grew up among the kind of fundamentalist Christians who think Randall Terry is a hero, and trust me, plenty of them support rape and incest exceptions. It was the first thing, as a pre-teen, that made me question the dogma I'd always been taught—I couldn't understand how "murdering a baby" magically stopped being

If "pro-life" people really care about these potential children why don't they put their money where their mouths are and pony up the cash to support these children from neo-natal care to graduation? It's ALL about control.

Tubman was the antithesis of this thinly-veiled female wing of Dominionist White Power.

If that were true, there would be absolutely no reason for any of them to support rape and incest exceptions, and yet, somehow, most of them do. If it was really about the fetus, the way that fetus was conceived wouldn't matter. But somehow, the only acceptable abortions are for women who got pregnant without

Can we stop pretending "Heritage" isn't a placeholder for "white"?

I had a far-right friend post on facebook that buying girl scout cookies was basically like funding abortions. I almost unfriended, but decided to keep her around to hear what gems she comes up with next.

I'll never forget the Jezebel commenter who related a story of how her friend adopted her son. She only got him because the people who were supposed to adopt him—who knew he had down's syndrome—refused to adopt him at the hospital because he was biracial.


That's exactly what it means. It means pretending to care about fetuses while making women's lives worse, and draining them of autonomy and dignity.

In practice, 'pro-life' most definitely means 'anti-woman'. Especially considering most 'pro-life' people are also pro-death penalty and pro-war.

But they don't think of themselves as murderers of their own unborn children. They only think of other women that way. As the stories illustrate, they have at their disposal every justification and rationalization why their particular situation is unique, every time, and all those other nebulous abortion-getting women

They're not hypocrites, they just believe THEY should be able to decide what women do with their bodies.

Oh, jeez. This one:

Not to mention that there have been "pro-life" men who have, you know, killed the pregnant woman in question to avoid having to deal with the whole thing. Which is, when you think about it, very consistent, because pro-life means nothing else but 'anti-woman.' So that makes sense.

Yes! Those were fascinating. I read them with my jaw on the floor. The ability of the human mind to hold such completely contradictory thoughts at the same time is amazing.

Don't forget the men who are pro-life until a woman they date gets inconveniently pregnant and doesn't want to give it up for adoption.