
I have an honest question. Let's said that everyone on this page agreed with the information you are presenting. Assuming that everyone accepts that the mean intelligence of different 'racial' groups is different, what does that have to do with being prejudice towards a specific person?

c.) Confirmation bias.

Sad. Racism is full time job for you white supremacists.

Why bother?


They are as long as they keep giving money to those pedophiles and supervisors.

You need to get off the cross. YOU chose to start this. It's a shitty argument and it's your problem that you chose it, stuck with it, and tried to make yourself a victim.

Missing the point, I see. You compared discrimination against historically - abused groups with criticism of the organization that did a lot of the abusing.

c.) Mistmatch of causes/effects.

Do those little children and women head an immensely wealthy, huge, secretive organization that denies women and gays basic rights?

Choosing to make fun of people for voluntarily taking on the behaviors of people with mental handicaps isn't being a bigot.

I make fun of pretty much anyone who does anything because their invisible friend told them too.

I was raised Catholic and made my Confirmation and all that bullshit, so you can transubstantiate my Eucharist, you presumptuous dolt.

Here is the short version of my counterargument because you are not worth a real one:

It throws me sometimes. I'll be talking to an otherwise rational human being and then this nonsense starts spewing out delivered in a matter of fact tone like they were talking about the sky being blue.

If you're dumb enough to think that humans anywhere, at any point have gone though the generations upon generations of rigorous breeding for traits that dogs have then no wonder your falling for a frequently debunked hack-job like the Bell Curve.

Begin rant: James Watson is an arrogant con who thinks himself way smarter than he actually is. He stole or did not cite many people's work used for determining the structure of DNA. He obtained data illegally, attended meetings to which he was not invited, and just generally didn't do any of the work yet gets all the

Plenty of smart people were indoctrinated into racist beliefs when they were young children. I am guessing he is one.

Mutually exclusive goals here.