
Because white people are individuals while black people are subhuman mongrels (thanks Ted Nugent!) that are like herd animals. They aren't sentient, they are a Complex Adaptive System that only SEEMS intelligent but really work completely on pheromones, instinct and environmental cues.

It's not the facts that are racist you dolt. It's your willingness to bring up something that has nothing to do with the story in a lazy effort to make this about your problem with black people. Talk about the "black on black" crime rate when an actual black on black crime occurs, not so you can excuse some racist

I love how every time a possibly/probably race-fueled murder occurs, they come out of the woodwork to exclaim "But blacks be shooting other blacks! So s'okay!" Nah, not exactly. If an adult black man shot at an unarmed group of white teens who were supposedly being threatening by being in their car blasting music, the

Shhh. It's one of those thing we just don't talk about.

God that's some lazy-ass racist trolling. At least come up with an original argument. Or maybe try to explain why you can't just talk about the subject of a white dude killing an unarmed black kid without somehow blaming black people as a whole.

I, for one, would like to talk about the white on white crime rate. White crime victims are overwhelmingly likely to be victimized by another white person. Let's talk about that! Clearly, there is something wrong in their culture and communities that makes this white on white crime thing happen.

You fucking moron.

Ahhh yes, cause all roads lead back to black on black crimes, no exceptions.

Because when Black teens are shot by Black teens, they are normally convicted of murder in a court of law and can't claim they are threatened by an unarmed black teen.

I lost about 120lbs. So the office ladies started asking everyone if I had cancer. People.

Hi! I'm a ballet dancer.

According to an interview with former contestant Kai Hibbard, dehydration was encouraged and a way to lose even more weight. From her interview:

How so?

OMG. This is a great point. When I was a kid, we'd see weight loss commercials and although these people had lost a lot of weight, there was my mom: "She's still fat." We're talking people who went from a size 22 to like a 12. Yet, too skinny was always too skinny, you know? No winning. Perhaps unsurprisingly, I

Story of my life. I've lost about 140lbs, making me currently 150 lbs. Which, according to (crapass) BMI, means I'm still "obese" despite the fact that its basically muscle now. And oh boy do some people love to tell me how "weird" I look now, or how I need to be "careful not to go too far!"

I understand all this. People are responding to my UNDERSTANDABLE exasperation over the overkill that is 6 fucking hours at the gym. Working for a full day and running on the treadmill for 4 hours straight are two different things.

Yeh but I'm imagining this chick doing hard workouts on the treadmill for 6 hours. Jesus Christ, people are jumping down my throat on this thread using labour and jobs as examples. I can only imagine how fucking BORING being at the gym for 6 hrs would be, first off.

I agree. Or instead of eliminating people make it a split pot for whoever reaches xyz goal that they set with their trainers/doctors before the show starts.

As if you'd get any respect if you don't go too far. You have some poundage on you? Then it's "Shut up, fattie. Disgusting!" You lose a lot of the weight and get to that glorious superskinny the media tells you to be? "Shut up, skellington! Bones, disgusting!" Can't fucking win, might as well be happy.

They could always incorporate fitness metrics in addition to weight loss to determine who gets the prize. But they won't.