
It is not. Their indifference/endorsement has moral implications. It shows that they have no moral integrity and that they would do anything for a fee/social advancement/social recognition/etc. OR that they don't believe the allegations.

This is the reason I made a distinction between those who have the freedom to choose their projects and those who don't have the freedom to choose who they work for. There is a big fucking difference between being Scarlett Johansson with limitless possibilities for what roles she can take, and a broke 19-year-old

But what we're all saying with the Roman Polanski example is that an acclaimed director CAN rape a child and have the Hollywood establishment wave it away. That IS relevant to your claim that somehow if it were true, everyone would suddenly despise Woody Allen. Look at all the people here who are essentially arguing

Ooookay then, after this conversation and your gross rant in the grays, I think I'm done with you now.

I'm not suggesting that you're overlooking it, but that the actors who work with him are.

I don't see how a victim enjoying the monetary wealth of their victimizer is analogous to a reciprocally beneficial alliance involving celebrities. The entire underlying ethos of civil tort law is that individuals are entitled to financial remuneration due to the damage they've incurred. Blanchett, Keaton, Watts,

Personally I find myself unable to overlook someone's pedophilia in any context, and I find it genuinely odd that there are people who can treat it as something to be compartmentalized. But hey, that's just me.

This. It's sickening and enraging how many people try to slut-shame Mia Farrow as a justification for Woody Allen's behavior. Or worse, try to suggest that Dylan Farrow has no credibility because Mia Farrow was sleeping around.

I read it. The article is problematic from jump because the author insists on characterizing Dylan Farrow's experience as "Mia Farrow's accusations." Sorry, but she's come out twice now with public accounts of her experience; they stopped being Mia's accusations long ago. Not to mention at the end he acknowledges that

But morality doesn't occur in a vacuum, and Cate Blanchett, at the very least, has specifically championed Allen as a male director who is wonderful because of his ability to understand and relate to women. Sure, that's implicitly within an artistic context, but it also suggests a broader endorsement of his

Roman Polanski, anyone?

Wait...what? Who's saying his movies are good because he's a pedophile?

Whaaaaaa? No, I don't think I will take to task a sexual abuse survivor for being supported by her father. That's fucking crazy.

My thing, though, is that you can't have it both ways. Many actors go out of their way to present positive pr, with philanthropy and activism. ScarJo (until this past week) was on board for OxFam, Emma Stone is an ambassador for an international orphans charity, etc. If they want to work with someone like Allen, fine,

He's not an unbiased author. He wrote and directed the 2012 documentary about Woody Allen. And helped put together the Woody Allen montage at the most recent Golden Globes when he won that award.

So glad I wasn't the only one who didn't appreciate the author equating Mia (possibly) sleeping with Sinatra and having Ronan out of it to Woody Allen (allegedly) molesting Dylan. F'ing sick. Sleeping with your ex-husband (and cheating on your... common law husband? Whatever the f WA was at that point) is NOT THE SAME

Why should we read that bullshit article he defended Woody by basically saying "he wouldn't abuse a child in an attic because he's claustrophobic", i judge anyone who uses that awful article to defend Woody.

Yeah, but it pointed them out as a method of casting doubt on this whole situation. I fail to see how "Mia Farrow cheated on Woody and slept with married men" is super relevant in whether or not we believe Dylan's accusations, which she has stuck by since she made them. He presented it as like, "Wait, before you

I read this a few days ago and found it fairly unconvincing.

While I appreciate hearing the other side of each issue, I don't think this is an unbiased author. And the article quite quickly degenerated into slut-shaming Mia Farrow.