Is that a tattoo over his belly button? And all the pieces come together of course he would help his son drag race of course.
Is that a tattoo over his belly button? And all the pieces come together of course he would help his son drag race of course.
Lord, Jesus. He even has a soul patch on his belly button.
Yeah, this "dad" can't say no to his meal ticket. What a surprise.
Thank you!
Yeah - why risk it??
Sometimes abstinence really is best?
Exhibit B:
My mouth literally dropped open in horror when I saw that picture of his dad.
Ah, Bieber's dad. The douche doesn't fall far from the tree with this one, I see.
Now I no longer put women I'm interested in on a pedestal, pussyfoot around, or cling to my Deep Unending Love confessing at just the right moment that oh gosh Jenny I've been crushing on you for months we click so well can we date?, or resent women who have the gall to not fuck me because clearly they were just using…
True Life: how Grenadier went from Nice Guy (TM) to actual nice guy. Bravo!
Coincidentally, that's what happened to me. I met a good woman who helped me realize I didn't want to be a Nice Guy, I wanted to be a better man.
A couple things I see from the Friendzone Crew every time this gets discussed:
At least you recognized those thoughts and hopefully moved past them. Other guys stay there and it can get icky fast.
Kudos to you for realizing that you fall into these patterns. I don't think you need to beat yourself up over it though, especially if the girl accepted your apologies. Just try not to do it in the future, you know?
Good for you for being self-aware. I think it's a shame that the rom-com industrial complex reinforces these ideas, and you're lucky and smart to have outgrown them.
Ron Weasley was not "friendzoned". He was simply friends with a girl that he ended up falling in love with. I hate this concept as a catch all for any guy who happens to be friends with a girl, as if there is something inherently wrong with that situation.
It's basically the way almost EVERY guy sees ANY attractive female - they aren't people. Females are walking pussy, period. And any unattractive females are a waste of time, unless useful in some other way.
I'm pretty sure that Ron Weasley was never, ever in a "friendzone" relationship. It was just a case of two teenagers not being able to communicate their mutual attraction to one another and being really damn awkward about it.