
I support strong women not dingbats who think most people can afford a 3,0000 organic sweater or con artists posing as exercisers.

This photo reminds me of being raised in a very Dutch community where everyone is blonde and blue-eyed and that is considered the ideal. Coming from Eastern European descent, I was so far from this that I was convinced I was the ugly duckling. I've finally come to love that I am more exotic looking, but goddamn if

"I can't imagine how you're still standing up. I think I would die." - Gwyneth to a woman who had lost her son.

"Imagine waking up with curly fries for your hair."

This face reminds me of that Sandra Lee video where it's COCKTAIL TIME and she makes some gross-ass drink and sips it and makes this face:

"Cry. Cry. Imagine gaining 10 pounds. Imagine waking up with curly hair,"

I don't know about you guys, but as I looked at those pictures, the first thing I picked up on was their eyes. No matter what their mouths/eyebrows/wrinkles are doing, their eyes remain flat and empty. As a matter of fact, the amount of dead eye I'm seeing is actually creeping me the fuck out.

I'm glad they coordinated outfits and expressions. I mean, THINK of the embarrassment otherwise.

No, we're supposed to let the mother die, because she should already be gone. She was supposed to have died, and now she's being artificially preserved as a DNA cooker. The "baby" should not be a factor in this, because the mother was supposed to ALREADY BE DEAD.

It's not a baby, and it's not viable. It's a 14 week gestation fetus. It is NOT VIABLE. That word has a meaning. It means capable of living outside the uterus. This fetus is NOT viable, that's precisely why they are artificially animating a corpse to incubate it. You just think on that for a minute. I'm sure you

There's no "we". The choice was this woman's to make, and Texas ignored it, and her husband's/the father's to make, and Texas ignored it. This is not your body, spouse, family, fetus, or money.

The article I read said her records were examined by another dentist who said most of the work was not needed. I personally had an experience years ago when my husband and I both went to the dentist and were told we needed an incredible amount of work done. We assumed it was true and were going along with it until we

Holy shit.

Sedation is more dangerous than general anesthesia. With general they have the airway secured.

God forbid you anti-choicers read something besides your own fucking propaganda.

The post neglects to mention that she was left alone for 26 minutes.

What, you expect us to use logic? This is 'Murica, we don't need no stinkin' logic.

1) in the 13 year old girls case, the family wants to keep her alive. Fine. not the decision I think I would make (not being in the situation its easy for me to say, but me and mine have DNRs)

As someone who lives in a country with free health care, situations like these is why I just can't understand what goes through many conservative Americans minds. They rail against things like socialized medicine and claim that they would lead to things like death panels and a big brother like government making

Ah, Texas. They want a dead woman to give birth to a brain-damaged clump of cells that can't possibly survive. HOLY SHIT.