well yeah if you apply munchkins to your face and then dunk your face into a pumpkin spice latte, i saw it on Pinterest so you know it works
well yeah if you apply munchkins to your face and then dunk your face into a pumpkin spice latte, i saw it on Pinterest so you know it works
His first movie had a woman accidentally have sex with a dead man.
Don't forget to add "deserve pussy because they're nice, except frigid bitches won't put out."
Kevin Smith's comedy is often a lot like Beavis and Butthead . . . there's an element being mocked that is too damn dumb to realize they're getting mocked, while other people are appreciating not just the mockery but the other aspects that are witty and actually have a good bit of depth to them.
Well, if a male friend of your sent you a picture of his cock wouldn't you mention it to your girlfriend/spouse? Especially if that same friend has pretty obviously hit on you in the past?
I'm sure as a POC, the LW is very much aware that lighter-skinned people are privileged and does not have to be told that. The point of the letter is that this guy is negging and verbally abusing her to the point where she's starting to doubt her self-worth.
Oh, of course. She would be WAY out of line to creep on his phone without his knowledge. That would be a complete violation of boundaries and I agree that both partners are entitled to privacy, and I disagree that that stops when you're married. What I'm talking about is voluntarily telling your partner about it. ie…
If some psycho friend sent me dick pics I would absolutely tell my partner about it. What kind of shitty relationships are you guys in that you'd hide something like that?
I wasn't saying that you believed that—I was drawing a distinction between being a jackass (the guy in the letter) and acknowledging a societal failing (your original post).
There's a huge gaping chasm between acknowledging a prejudice in the world (poor black people tend to have a harder time trying to begin a business) and turning that into determinism (you can't start a business because you're a poor black person). The former is a factor to consider and overcome, the latter is cruel…
Did we read the same passage? How can you say that after reading the way that her "friend" abused her? He humiliated her on account of her skin color and body, and he severely damaged her self esteem in ways that are actually very traumatic. After reading all that, your contribution is to go on the record saying…
...aaaaaaand now we see why your responses were being deleted. People have lines that cannot be crossed. Because your lines are further out than others does not make you a better person or put you in a position to judge anyone else's decisions.
ETA: I said "do all you can do" not "do all you think you can do". There is…
No, that's how you live your life without becoming a doormat for every abusive nutjob with entitlement issues who happens to come along. People like this need professional help, not an enabler.
What was the point of him pointing out the fact that lighter-skinned POCs who are "conventionally attractive" have a better chance of success in our society? As a relatively light skinned POC, I know there is pressure to be lighter skinned in our community, and this desire to fit in with the majority population is…
You're right. No one said anything about it being a job. The comment I replied to, from Johnstown12, poured on the guilt for ditching someone with a psychological problem, and you said stuff about "abandoning" versus "working through." All of those are different ways of expressing a central idea of how much…
Yeah, this person is an unstable disaster right now. Who even cares what his sexuality is? He's abusive and cruel and honestly just scary. No one needs to tolerate scary. Part of how scary people can become un-scary is if people fuck off because they were scary and don't come back.
I don't know where to start with this rubbish that you posted, I'm "dark-skinned" African; and I'm not naive to the biases and privilege that comes with color related politics in different Black communities and outside the black community in the U.S. As an individual whose dad is considered "light skinned", my mom is…
But there is a big difference between voicing your point of view from your perspective and completely discouraging someone from their goals because YOU believe they will fail. It's not a constructive opinion or suggestion, it's someone completely burying another person in their perceptions and negativity.
They certainly can change. It's not your job to "change" your friends, particularly when they are aggressively or sexually lashing out at you. You aren't a shrink. If your friend wants a shoulder to cry on or a ride to the airport, that's a normal part of friendship. If your friend is making deliberate choices to…
Since Johnstown12 is apparently deleting all replies, I encourage everyone to reply to them here!