Sooo weight gain of >100 lbs in 3 months in a child = relatively stable above normal BMI in an adult? I don't think I'm understanding your argument.
Sooo weight gain of >100 lbs in 3 months in a child = relatively stable above normal BMI in an adult? I don't think I'm understanding your argument.
Sometimes you really expect better of a person, ya know? We disagree on everything politics and religion but the way he defended this dude really knocked him down a notch in my book. I always suspected he was uncomfortable with homosexuality, but the things he said were just plain hateful.
People who don't get Venture Bros don't understand my soul...
If nothing else, this whole Duck Dynasty thing has been a very....illuminating experience. You know how during presidential elections, you are constantly being surprised (and not so surprised) by which of your FB friends "like[d]" Mitt Romney? The people that you don't know that well, but that live on your block and…
I like how you put that.
I spent most Saturday nights in college watching that damn A&E crime block (I was very hip back then). Once, my boyfriend at the time and I were watching American Justice and he slowly realized the preschool he went to had once been under investigation for subjecting the children to satanic rituals in underground…
I knew it was a show that existed but that was it. I only just found out that they are bigger than the Beatles apparently. Only now the teeny boppers are old white racists and not young girls.
1) You do not have a right to be the star of your own nationally-syndicated television show. That is a huge, huge privilege that is bestowed upon a very, very small amount of people in the entire nation. It's ok to have standards, like, must be competent, and must not be a horrible person.
I just mean it wasn't really even ever on my radar and was wondering if it was for other people.
I used to watch A&E all the time - Biography, Intervention, City Confidential, and all the things Bill Curtis narrated. Since Intervention ended, I can't remember the last time I watched A&E, or the last time they showed a documentary.
Anyone here watch duck dynasty? I feel like this was happening while we were all busy watching Breaking Bad and American Horror Story.
It's classic MRA-speak. The resentment MRAs feel toward alphas is nothing compared to what they direct at 9 or 10 - point women, though.
Clearly the alphas are out there fist bumping themselves about not being around women….actually I'm not sure what they are doing.
This guy also wrote on the flu shot article.
Your reconciling of your beliefs has absolutely zero to do with someone else's personal, private sexual and medical decisions. That is all.
I'm a 27 year old woman and I've gotten the stink eye from more than one pharmacist the few times I've gotten Plan B. Fortunately, I'm a grown ass woman who is confidant in her life choices and knows her rights, but if I were 16 and already scared? That's some shitty shit, let me tell you.
Thank you! i was just about to say this. I have to pretend I'm Christian because some other person thinks "my religious holiday blessing=have a nice day"? Paalease.
Well Fox News didn't attack Rep Steve King for eating a reindeer? Probably Prancer since he is such a homophobe. Just imagine if President Obama ate a reindeer it would be breaking news and 24 hour coverage of how the president hates Christmas. Steve King they ignore it.…
So she was moved enough to think about how more people should worship Jesus but not moved enough to, I dunno, buy the homeless guy a sandwich or something. Yeah, that pretty much sums up modern American Christianity right there.
There are two types of people in this world: People who think Jeff Dunham is funny and those with good taste in comedy.