
He doesn't shoot to kill, scrawny black teens just jump into his line of fire from magical bushes, his wife's iPad was already broken in half, and his girlfriend accidentally walked into his fists.

What a tragedy that sarcasm flies right over your head like that.

You're so optimistic.

Isn't that really the worst? She's not embarrassed.

Abscess makes the hearth grow Fonda.

If she was capable of feeling embarrassed she would have crawled under a rock and withered away years ago.

We already know she can't read! Remember when Katie Couric asked her which magazines and newspapers she read and she couldn't answer the question? GIRLFRIEND IS NOT SMART, YO.

It must be embarrassing to her that with all the resources she has available to her she could not take 5 minutes of her time to read the article and actually study what she was defending. She is the biggest idiot of them all.

Eww, gross! Why would you want her abscess?

I just think those don't need to be said, as anyone in their right mind knows he's a racist murderer. Just like if you're talking about Brad Pitt there's no need to say "actor" Brad Pitt. It's common knowledge.


In addition to toys, Santa was also giving out bags of Skittles and bottles of Snapple.

"Here was a large, unkempt, suspicious-looking man, threatening to make lists about my kids, then break into my house tonight with a 'delivery'. I acted on instinct."

Me and that tray have some history. What used to be a helpful device is now an enemy. Not because of fat...because boobs. It's embarrassing to have to hold them up when I put the tray down, only for them to uncomfortably rest on it and take up space. Bah.

Oh, I feel for you. So is my husband- on our honeymoon flight to Jamaica my husband actually picnic he'd a nerve in his back- we had to get him a massage when we got there just to consummate. That and he went off on the dude in front of him who yelled at him three separate times who turned around yelled bc his seat

6'7 here. It gets so much worse when you're this height and broad shouldered.

That's me! I always choose to sit next to a fat person on my commute. Larger folks are always more aware of their body habitus than the straight-armed-newspaper-readers, crotch-airers, purse-on-the-seat-next-to-me-ers and hands-in-their-jacket-pockets-elbowers. I don't need the space, and nobody else can make him/her

Yes! I'm glad you had a good experience! I always feel awful, not only because I'm often in physical pain squishing myself into a seat, but because I'm infringing on someone else's space. When it works out so that both people have enough space no matter their size, that's perfect.

This. I'm 5'10", I fly economy because I'm a poor-as-folk student, and I never have enough leg room to be comfortable. My knees are always bent and pressed against the seat-back in front of me. My only hope, I believe, is someday being able to upgrade to business class.

But, Lindy, if you're kind to them, they'll think they're people!!!!