The kicker for me is the fact that she named them after her cartoon characters. Not the other way around. She named her flesh and blood children after her cartoon designs. That, to me, is even worse than "Hunter Green".
The kicker for me is the fact that she named them after her cartoon characters. Not the other way around. She named her flesh and blood children after her cartoon designs. That, to me, is even worse than "Hunter Green".
Top Tips for Business Success: Embrace your inner she-demon! LOL. Begin by finding the most economically disadvantaged group you can & find ways to profit from them!
I read it top to bottom and the whole time was waiting for some snarky bullshit but instead what I got was... Wait for it... JOURNALISM! Oh my god. It felt so good. If my tear ducts weren't so swollen right now, I'd cry. Loved every minute of the read.
Honestly, this was super impressive. Damn, Tracie.
Well c'mon now, she did order classic native american symbols like the unicorn and the koala bear...
This was brilliantly written. Bets on how long until Tracie is headhunted from Jezebel? This was probably one of the best researched and articulated stories I've read on here and that's being said by someone who has been reading Jez since its beginnings.
This website is about the interests of women. The interests of women are diverse, and IT'S OKAY for women to be interested in fashion, sex, and pop culture along with feminism and current events. When I recommend Jezebel to a friend I usually say, "it's juicy and addicting like Cosmo but instead of rolling your eyes…
If only she had the capacity to recognize when she's boring.
So lasers come out of my hip bones? My crotch-but-not-crotch area?
Any criticism of the new logo is valid, as far as I'm concerned. How could they replace cutie, happy Jonathan Husky with Sexual Predator Wolf?
Some people suck! I've also had (former) friends ask me "What country where you born? I forgot." I kept telling them over and over that I was born in Houston.
Somewhat related: one time I had my friend over for dinner with my family. She was American but her parents were born in Mexico. While at dinner, my brother made a comment about "all the Mexicans working at Chipotle." Later I told him about her parents' ethnicity. He said "But she didn't look Mexican!" Like what he'd…
Forgive me, but I have to post a gif. I cannot put into words how mad I am for you.
Thanks to my particular Texas town, I grew up being "not white enough" AND "not Mexican enough". Lots of people calling me a "mutt", most of them meaning it to be offensive. Super fun stuff.
Oh, goodness! I've received more than half of these comments (just replace everything with Mexican). Some of these comments are actually (very) racist ("microagression" my butt!).
If by "form emotional connections" you mean stop trying to jam religion into my uterus, stop trying to take healthcare away from me, stop trying to block things like fair pay and domestic violence acts, and stop trying to force me to have children I don't want, then sure. If by "form emotional connections" you mean…
No, no, no. We don't currently have the luxury to pretend that emotional doesn't mean "irrational" "hyper-emotional" and/or lots of other negative crap with the constant stream of stinky brown sexist bullshit flowing out of Republican mouths, along with the weekly attempt to take reproductive rights along with social…
Yeah, see, (straight, white) men have the privilege of voting based on their economic interests. It's not their rights that are being threatened.
"Jobs or the economy" is not the same thing as "voting from their checkbook" (sic).