I'm hella bigoted against purple people, because they're dead and super gross.
I'm hella bigoted against purple people, because they're dead and super gross.
Well said. American society has historically perverted Asian sexuality. Asian women are hypersexualized ("me so horny!") while Asian males are emmasculated. ("small dick!")
They acted like he had done the impossible... that he should be so lucky to even get an Asian woman let alone a white woman. Confused the shit out of me. Yes my friend is pretty but her bf is quite a good dude with confidence and intelligence and a good job (I am rather poor at rating male attractiveness but I think…
Indeed, indeed. I think I may have internalized some of those prejudices against Indian women myself, due to my very limited encounters with them, but I'm slowly getting rid of those thoughts.
Eek, please don't use the term "fetish," even as a joke. I know you mean well, but that word has way too many bad connotations.
It's because White guys don't fetishize Indian women. For some really bizarre and unfair reason, Indian girls are seen as relatively unattractive as a whole. You know the stereotypes: hairy, smelly, funny accents, dorky, asexual, tradition-bound, etc.
I am proud that some of my people are willing to break the mold and leave their comfort zone. I know many Chinese friends are too afraid to date white girls because of filial piety.
hey, i'm an asian-american girl and i totally see where you're coming from! i grew up in hong kong, though, so i have a slightly different perspective on things. i didn't even realize how much asian men were emasculated in western media/society until i came to the U.S. for college.
Oh my gosh it's Rowsdower! You Canadian supermacho man!
Like you even know any Kleenex. Oh, what, there's some at work?
Just in case you don't know, he's from a UCLA case where a white student made racist comments. Not necessarily this one, but hey, I'll take it. :-P
What the hell do you mean? Obviously this is only offensive and wrong if you are attracted to Asian men. I, for example, have never dated anything other than white boys, so I don't get to be upset by this vitriolic outpouring of racism from our youth.
Hey, welcome to the life of an Asian guy! If we're not that attractive, then we might as well be leper morlocks. If we're hot, then we're deemed good enough to be considered as attractive as average white guys.
i'm chinese-american and it's astonishing how often i hear it, especially in fairly diverse parts of the U.S.
I'm fairly certain she didn't actually say that stuff though. There are literally no sources other than teenie-boppers on Twitter. Don't you think TMZ and Perez Hilton would've had a field day with that shiz. Not that I read those sites (*hangs head in shame*)
But did she actually call them that? As Lindy pointed out, she couldn't find a source for that accusation aside from the mobs of teens on twitter. It wouldn't be the first time such rumors have started from crazy preteens.
was it really particularly polite of Lorde to call the fellow teen pop stars "ugly?"
Sounds like something my parents would say.
Yeah, we don't do family dinners much.
That is one of the laziest racist insults I've ever heard.
"Ching chong"?! Christ on a cracker.