
So you admit to being a troll. Alright then.

Yeah, I dunno. I'm a New Yorker who lived in Mississippi for a while and it went a long way towards confirming a lot of my suspicions about the South. It also surprised me in some ways — there is a lot of genuine goodwill there from a lot of people. But God help you if you're black.

It's a good example of proof that women aren't really treated equally to men by law.

maybe. but i would rather live in a world were we use law to hand out too much freedom then to live in a world were we use laws to overreach and jail or enslave too many freedoms/people.

Oh, I stayed here. For many reasons in the end, but the quality of life here is excellent. Yes, it's expensive, yes, winter is terrible, yes, bad people live here to, etc, etc, etc. I know there are good people in the South! It's not the people so much the political culture. I like the NE way of things - VT is hardly

I lived in Florida for about 23 years- I moved to Maine at the beginning of this year (having also lived in MA and CT before as well). The weather is nice down south, and some of the people are surprisingly progressive.

Don't go!!! The weather is amazing. You can throw away your winter coats and have a beer nearly year around on the porch but don't go. I lived in GA and SC I loved mostly all of it but the people, rasism, and hate I felt for having a female body.

When I applied to grad programs, this was a serious consideration of mine. I was once ripped apart right here in the ole Jezebel comments because I said was oddly relieved when I did not end up at the University of Texas at Austin for this reason (among others, but my reproductive rights being one of them). I was

I'm enjoying Mads Mikkelsen's Hannibal right now because even though there's a hint of that "he's just looooneely" woobiefication, his relationships with both Will Graham and Abigail Hobbs still lead to him murdering Abigail and fucking up Will's life extensively. Which I like, because even if a serial killer did take

Honestly, I would grab a bunch of plan B and take it with me - and also go on the pill or patch.

Amen. I don't know what privileged / typically white people like to throw around faster, comparisons to slavery, or comparisons to Rosa Parks.

I always like to call slavery, the "slow holocaust". Because people were worked to death.

now that is really sad. so its not just Mississippi that is still in olden days.

Slavery is more than "labor without remuneration." What, would you call an intern for Vogue a slave? What is common to all forms of slavery across the globe was what scholars have called "social death," the denial of all family ties and personal agency. So explain to me again how the two are equivalent?

This will be a productive conversation that ends well.

Technically women do not have equal protection under the law, as per the Constitution. The ERA never got enough votes for ratification.

Hoo boy this stuff scares the shit out of me. I have always slept easy, living in New York and having access to centers like Planned Parenthood should I ever need them for contraceptives, cancer screenings, abortion services, etc.

so the government cant make people house soldiers, but can force women to keep a parasite in their womb? so much for equal protection under the law.

why does not the The Third Amendment (Amendment III) protect abortions?

Elle Fanning's accent is TERRIBLE. I keep watching it over and over again. I can't stop. WHY DO I DO THIS TO MYSELF??