
I think it's reasonable to assume when someone behaves in a way contrary to agreed social norms there are lots of possible motivating factors. I still think that the homeowner is culpable in spite of any of those factors. He failed to use the community provided safety net and call the police, he chose instead to shoot

I live in Dearborn, I'm currently typing this from Dearborn, and I'm not going to call you a racist (seriously though if people call you a racist so often the word has no meaning to you anymore you might want to look at that) or any names at all. I'm just going to address your original comment. This didn't happen in

...not sure if satire, or just racist troll...

1) Whomever caused those reasons to happen is a fucking asshole.

Well, capitalism is unique in its focus on growth and expansion - a feudal society, for instance, can just sit and exist (miserably) without changing much, but a capitalist society has an ever-increasing demand for resources, labor and markets.

Capitalism is unique in that its focus is the extraction of profit from surplus labor. In a socialist system, the means of production would be held collectively and thus the benefit would flow to everyone. In fact, exploitation of foreign labor was NOT a feature of the 'socialist' economies of the 2oth century, most

Absolutely true.

We had just changed the locks the evening before, too. My daughter and I did both the front and back door, because reasons happened. (The daughter lives in an upstairs apartment to me and my roommate.) We think someone connected to those reasons was either trying to give us a scare or test our work since, you know,

>So, unless you think otherwise, what exactly are you defending?


If her phone had been working, she wouldn't have had to knock on anyone door, like 98 percent of people, hence she wouldn't have been shot in the face. She should have had her phone charged, correct?

This. My roommate one morning a few weeks ago was awakened by someone violently rattling the knob of our front door. Naturally she got up and opened it.

KIDDING. She stayed the hell put. No one got their face shot off.

No one disagrees with the point your making regarding his being afraid. In fact, most of have already considered the fact that he was afraid in our analysis on the situation. We even believe that he had every right and reason to be afraid.

Then simply don't answer the door. Or shout through it and offer to ring for help (tow truck, their mum, whoever).

You are pulling stats like fundamentalists pull quotes from the Book of Revelations. In both cases, a full, nuanced understanding is sorely lacking.

Actually, looking at violent crime, it has about 2/3rds the crime of Detroit. I've also lived just outside of D.C. which has slightly more per capita.

If he had believed her a home invader....why the fuck would he open his door?

What an interesting analysis, especially the comparisons to the English workhouses. Your totally right we havent reformed the problem we've just exported it

But if workers are paid what their labour is worth, how will we make billions of dollars in profits for our shareholders?!?!?!?!

Said it before, will say it again - it's almost as if one of the primary features of capitalism requires the existence of a massive supply of underprivileged, overexploited laborers to sustain itself.

It used to be the men, women and children of England's factory towns (and behind them, the slaves who picked the cotton