This happened in my "hood" and there were plenty of horrified witnesses... To be offended by a tattoo is one thing.... To go home drop your fiancee off and return to beat the living daylights out of someone with a tire iron (who didn't even touch you) over said tattoo is more akin to being a psychopath. Not to mention…
LOL! It's nothing unusual. The biggest problem for me, and I am not even kidding, is that my son can't eat pork and I can't cook it in the house. My son and I go to church and he and his father go to prayers at the Jamatkhana. My son knows that his mother and father are different religions and it's just our life.
I'm glad he didn't hire a better lawyer; that would have only increased his odds of going free, enabling him to beat someone else up with a tire iron.
'Merica land of the bully.
Yes, because his PR is the issue, not him being a violent shitbag.
When I was still a cashier (thank goodness I'm now in Admin) I always said Happy Holidays for exactly the reasons you note: not everyone is Christian. Also, I'M not Christian, I'm an Atheist. The number of times my cheerful/friendly "have a nice holiday" was met with a hissed, aggressive "MERRY CHRISTMAS" was just…
We don't have a PinkBerry, just OrangeLeafs and a Red Mango in our area but when I went to the Mall of America I wanted to try PinkBerry but it was so close to dinnertime that I passed. I am glad I did. I love Red Mango. When their store had a grand opening in our area they gave out a huge sample of yogurt with two…
More reasons to dislike Pinkberry! Reason #1 has always been that Red Mango is better.
An abusive ex of mine who is terrible in every way loves Pinkberry. So, now my quiet refusal to eat there is officially less petty, as the cofounder of it is apparently my ex's spirit animal.
Just one more reason to go for Red Mango instead...
Why is hearing "Happy Holidays" offensive? Christmas is one of several holidays that take place around the same time, including ones completely separate from any religion, like New Years Day.
Gaze upon the jarring, glaring whiteness!
And I'm an atheist who loves the shit out of religious Christmas songs. I don't care what anyone says. The more Jesus in my Christmas songs, the more I love them.
Same here! Atheist, but I LOVE Christmas and the whole season. We use it to celebrate spending time with family and winter because we love winter too.
I'd probably make her head explode. I'm an atheist who celebrates the FUCK outta Christmas. I LOVE it. Just not the, you know, religious aspects. But peace on earth, goodwill toward men? That's a notion I can totally get behind.
This may or may not seem strange, but I am so happy to see hair.
Breaking down gender roles? No, this is comedy.