
Yer face. It is warm. It needs mah kissssssses.

" Let’s rephrase a few things and look at it from the other side. Your asleep, it’s ...let’s say 1am. Someone is banging on your door; you are half awake and tell them to go away. They get louder, banging answer the door with your gun in hand (it is 1am, who the hell bangs on your door at 1am) and some

"Not that you should ever shoot someone, but why the head? If you feel the need to shoot someone at least aim for their legs."

I'm sorry, but are you from the area? I am. Outer Drive is a main thoroughfare. Dearborn Heights is a fine neighborhood. She had no reason to be afraid of knocking on that door at all. Furthermore, people forget to charge their phones all the time, or don't have their car charger with them. If her phone isn't working,

Me neither sister. He doesn't outright specify if it's only black people that shouldn't knock on doors though if they are in need of help, late at night - after a fucking car accident. I guess this is implied?

Oh. my. god. Holy shit I don't want to meet james in real life.

You know, you're right. Shooting unarmed Black people first and asking questions later is always safer. And more sane. Very, very sane.

OH I thought you were being sarcastic, but actually you're just stupid.

I don't know where you're from, but it's easy enough to get a gun at a gun show without a background check. So there are probably more "severely mentally ill" people who own guns than you think. Not to mention people who are in fact mentally ill but have never been diagnosed.

Not every "severely mentally ill" person is a racist or agressive douchebag, you see. I'd wager that actually most of the severely mental ill people outside of mental institutions are quite non-agressive. The murderer also had a gun - do american authorities allow severely mentally ill people to acquire guns? I don't

You said it all right there... Just. Speechless. WTF.

But state legislators are stripping away the requirements for training while simultaneously expanding the legal use of guns and places you can have them. They aren't writing or passing those bills on their own. Follow the money.

Especially a young, teenage woman!!

The last time I had someone knock on my door unexpeditly in the wee hours of the morn, I approached the door with a punching knife in my waistband, a can of mace in my right hand, and my phone to dial 9-1-1 in my left. The plan was: see who's at the door without opening it. If the person is someone I don't know/don't

Yeah, just wait until he sees how much government money is needed for the prosecution and trial.

Whenever someone knocks on my front door, I always look out the window first. If I don't know who the hell is it, I will open the window and ask what they want. Why anyone would even think to get a gun never mind shoot it, screams psycho to me. Whoever did this needs to be jailed and or committed.

As a teen I had both a peeping tom and a guy from school sneak into my room (my father caught him mid-way through the window) and...amazingly...both times my very protective father managed to not shoot the offending boy/man! The combination of an apparently more and more trigger happy society with rampant racism is

That right there is the primary problem with otherwise "responsible" gun-owners. Research has shown that most gun-owners' perception and cognitive ability is dramatically affected by the very fact of having the gun nearby. They see a non-threatening situation as threatening, or a mildly threatening situation

"Think before you shoot."

This story makes me very mad. She needed help, it's the middle of the night. A homeowner responds by firing a gun at her. This same sort of story made me pissed off when I was 14:…

People, think before you shoot. Assess the situation and don't assume worse than is real. There's