but he's a giant eyeball
but he's a giant eyeball
THis guy is a tool and deserves every bit of mocking for what he says publicly. His interview on Huffpo was stunning in its racism and lack of self-awareness. However, I stand by my view that PRIVATE emails and texts and conversations should not be used for public ridicule. Im really bothered by this on a lot of…
It makes me sad that this toolbox is now Internet famous, if only for a little while. There's so many hard working writers and comedians out there who will never see even a sliver of the fame this douche rocket is enjoying for being a bad human being. I kind of hope it all turns out to be a big set up by Jimmy Kimmel…
Where has anyone suggested that they want to rehabilitate ol' Toothy? They don't. In the end, this guy is still severely insecure about himself. No one else outside of a good therapist can help him with that. But he chose to go public with that insecurity instead of trying to fix it. Therefore we laugh, because he…
He's also a gigantic homophobe and misogynist. Oh, and he thinks 9/11 was "an inside job." http://sleeplessinaustin.atxmirrors.info/about_me.html
I think someone secretly wishes he was a black dude with a GIANT cock. Or wants to bang a black dude with big dong.
Eww I just feel like I need to wash. And then get a lower back tattoo because anything he doesn't like suddenly seems like a great idea. He's the new my mother.
Skimmed the comments here and in the first post on this dude but didn't see this point.
(The last time a guy with whom I was not on that level attempted to brag to me about his XX inch dick via text, I responded that I had a foot long, rock hard vagina. Never heard from him again. Weird.)
I think shaming him for fearing black penises/penii(I always get the plural wrong, sorry) is hilarious. Because it's fucking stupid to fear someone else's genitalia the way he does while being so obsessed about it. He's really projecting his own sexual insecurities onto a whole race of people, which is bad and he…
This is a favorite technique of very racist people. If you SAY something is not racist, then it isn't. It couldn't be a clue that if you have to point out it's racist, you probably thought people would think it sounds racist, and if walks and talks like a racist it probably is..but NOPE.
I just think it’s gross that a white woman would be attracted to a black and then be intimate with him. I just think it’s gross. Nothing racist.
I want so badly to listen to a band called Rock Hard Vagina.
EDIT: My strikethroughs didn't work ;*(
It's been mentioned here before, but white guys are definitely obsessed with the penises of other races. The Asian penis joke stopped being funny decades ago, but you really can't go through an Asian-related comments section without some insecure white guy making catty remarks about Asian dicks.
If you in any way believe that porn can present the representation of an average male penis, of any race, you probably are too far gone for any reasonable intervention.