
Kindly refrain from using the word "legally" unless you have professional or technical training in the law.

So "always assume a victim of sexual abuse is telling the truth" is null and void when the victim is male, or just someone you don't like?

I don't actually know the law of it, but if you're trying ot tell me that there is no difference in ability to consent between an 8 year old and a 14 year old then....well ok then I don't really have a response. It's rape whether the law deems it that or not

Yes, but the problem with that line of logic is that people don't get to "speak their experience" in a vacuum. Men—especially black men—are constructed as hypersexualized beings who constantly desire sex and thus cannot be raped. There's no available discourse for men like Chris Brown to say "I was raped" without

Yes, it does seem as if Jez has some sort of policy against apologies for some reason, and I respect Erin for making important points when nobody else will.

She really does. It happens surprisingly often and then she gets jumped all over for it. I appreciate her willingness to go against what the other writers have said, especially since Jez seems to have a policy of not issuing apologies or showing signs of discord.

So being a person of questionable character automatically immunizes you from rape. Gotcha.

Fuck you getting rubbed the wrong way. Go rub yourself into a hole, shithead.

A high school student had sexual intercourse with a second or third grader.

Would you be making this statement if it wasn't Chris Brown? Omg I need to get off Jezebel.

I would say that in no way does Chris Brown being raped a child mitigate the fact that he beat a woman.

I feel the same way you do. Doug should write something, and if he doesn't want to do it, Jez should make him.

We can both agree that chris brown is a scumbag.

It was on that day in October of 2013 that kinja user GAWKSUCKER proffered the novel never before done idea of questioning the assertions of rape victims.

The new concept spread rapidly through society, ending the tyranny of false rape accusations which had up until this point, never ever been questioned by anyone ever.

I've noticed that as well, first SIFWW now this. I like Erin though and I respect her for sticking her neck out. I don't respect Jez for not having Doug do it.

And glossing over Brown's story that he was molested at 8 as more chest-thumping from a guy with a history of clownishness does a disservice to Brown's own recovery, and to the recovery of other male victims.

Erin, you always take the burden of making up for other writers' errors. I really appreciate this article and your take on this situation, but Doug needs to do something.

Thank you for writing this, Erin. I was really appalled by Doug's post, and if I'm entirely honest, I think he should be the one to write a post in apology.

Or the comments.

Just out of curiosity: did your stomach *also* flip when you read the Jezebel article?