
i was there. i told her to get under the blanket with you.

I don't know you, Internet Stranger, but you were clearly present when I decided that spraying canned cheese directly into my parent's dog's mouth and then having her sleep at the foot of my bed was A Good Idea.

Albert Burneko recommended your post

Half of all the cider vinegar. Ever. In the entirety of the universe.

Can we hold a vote to overthrow Albert's foodspin dictatorship and have you take over? Please?

That smile is the smile of a woman who is experiencing a constant, low level panic that she has done something wrong.

ha ha! thank you. I don't intend on continuing the conversation, but I appreciate your comment.

My #1 rule of internetting is: don't feed trolls named after crappy 80s bands. Feel free to ignore me, but it's made my internet experience far more pleasant.

I would ask Melissa, if her marriage is so about respect, what would happen if the situation were turned around and SHE was the one who demanded sex from him, or took her frustrations out on HIM, or forced HIM to look and act a certain way, to cook and clean and serve HER at her whims? How would Joe the Gorilla react

What do you suppose she's thinking? I assume it's 'God, he smells like cheese and Vaseline.'

Don't sweat it, sometimes you just have to rage. The first time I saw a comment from him I did the same, then I clicked on his comment history and realized what I was dealing with. If we don't engage, he doesn't get the reaction that he is looking for. On the plus side, I just got to dismiss a nasty comment he left

Thanks for letting me know, I actually realised it was a mistake to feed such an obvious troll but sometimes I can't help it in my rage, urgh.

Those are not the eyes of a happy person, either. It's as if she's not quite sure where to look. His eyes, on the other hand, are more focussed. (Figures). :=/

Oh, well if she seems happy to you, then that changes everything. Thanks for clearing that up. I no longer believe that her statements advising all women to submit to rapey-sex to keep their men are problematic at all. Thanks for the enlightenment, MrMister.

No, it's not. It's a smile of keeping up appearances. There is fear in her eyes.

Mr Mister is an MRA troll who shows up periodically, not worth your time.

Beautiful. Thanks for putting it so succinctly!

That's the smile of someone with a sad home life. And enough money to pay a dentist for medically unsafe levels of teeth whitening. Or veneers.

This is not the smile of a happy person.

You might want to read up on some feminist theory if you believe that feminism is only about women making choices, especially if you think it is about accepting every single choice a woman makes, including the ones made while clearly being emotionally manipulated by a psychopathic husband/abuser. Also, fuck you.