
My phone already does everything this device does. Plus, I have to sign into their portal to grant access to services I already have on my phone. This sounds more like a ploy to get sensitive information and exploit down the line.

Am I not getting this?  You know what else is a pocket sized device that has all my phone apps...?  Yeah....

Pointless device seems pretty pointless. 

Pearl Jam’s “Last Kiss” is good and Alien Ant Farm’s “Smooth Criminal” was a lot of fun. Why are they here?

I’m convinced that the editors of the AV Club sincerely have zero taste based on AAF’s cover of Smooth Criminal being on this list.

UPS confirmed to Gizmodo this is the first time UPS has announced it has been using TuSimple autonomous trucks to deliver packages in the state.

Iiiiiiiin south Philadelphia with my mom
Up the first-base line was where I had my glove on
Chillin’ out maxin’ relaxin’ in my seat
And a foul ball comes shootin’ outside of my reach
When the only other kid who gave the slightest shit
Started out first and beat me to it
He got one little hug when he handed me the ball

I know it’s shitty but reality is Deadspin isn’t NY Times. Also, this is a heavy topic does the author have enough credibility to handle it?

This really isn’t a fair question to ask them.

If my co workers were in a salary litigation I wouldn’t comment either. Also, did you consider your status as a blogger for Deadspin probably doesn’t warrant a response?

You get paid for this?

What an absolute fucking cop out.

lolololol what the hell that was the most ridiculous possible response

This is disingenuous. Do not pretend as if the political content of splinter, deadspin, jezebel, gawker, etc are completely separate spheres. and do not pretend like the commentary is basically “everyone and everything is shit (particularly competing sites) and while we pretend to be no-bullshit truth tellers, people

Can Splinter cut it out with the lame hit pieces please?

Wow, choosing this week to decrease their social media profile? These guys don’t have an original bone in their body.

+1, Brian. I would've assumed the creator of Faces of Death was some devil-worshiping, sadistic freak, like Kathy Griffin, not an affable Jewish guy.