White skin privilege in Atlanta? Get out of town!
White skin privilege in Atlanta? Get out of town!
Harden's Girlfriend: Don't worry James, we both know there's one thing Wade will never be better than you at.
You know what's really strange? Chris Andersen tweeted out a handwritten note last night as well!
Hookers have the blood of Craig James on their hands.
If James were a true theologian, he'd know he's following the wrong guy if he's expecting to rack up another 70+ women.
Craig James now only has seven apostles.
Craig James was supposed to resurrect his career on the third day, but he forgot what comes after one.
Worker: [collapses]
On Wednesday, Aug. 28, Sports Illustrated senior writer George Dohrmann placed a phone call to Oklahoma State's…
Especially if one of our players rapes you. Unapologetic as hell when that happens.
It's easy for me to sit here, at my desk, with a semi-functional brain, and trivialize this entire fiasco brought about by families in search of compensation for lives that have been destroyed by a sport their fathers and husbands played despite knowing the consequence of their actions. It's also quite easy to…
I hope the next Reilly piece I read is his suicide note.
If we all agree that the state of Oklahoma looks like a cooking pot (and we do agree), does that mean Oklahoma State University is a culinary school? Kind of worried about someone having sex in a culinary school's kitchen. Ew gross.
What was your favorite beer you tried in Oklahoma? What about your favorite coffee? Any interesting travel "nuggets"? Also, there was a surprising lack of bullet-pointed Red Sox factoids in this article. Maybe.
If you could go back in time and change just one thing about the piece, why wouldn't you instead use the time machine to kill Hitler? What's your issue with Jews?
Most of those calls are coming from rural Virginia, where they've always preferred to wed themselves to Cousins.
This is the most effective application of yellow journalism ever.
That's cool, but if you are gearing your entire draft around a guy, why not take him with one of your two 2nd round picks just to be sure you get the guy you're gearing your entire draft around?
Third Base Sadness Brigade
I have pretty much all of these, but here is my list of things that keep my dog busy (incase anybody needs a laugh);