Big Sneezy

You don’t make $30/hr. That is only if you are constantly booked, if you do 6-10 min. trips over three hours you will make $30 in a hour of work time, but it will have taken you 3 hours to work an hour. Their $30/hr booked rate is a useless stat unless you can work non-stop, which is impossible since you are never

I drove for Uber for 6 months in a major market. I never saw the $30 they claim. Actual take home after expenses was closer to $12-$17/hr depending on when it was. Tipping was almost nonexistent.

How would you come up with a number of $30/hr? Well you would have to ignore all the expenses the driver incurs (taxes,

I can’t comment on the average hourly wage an Uber/Lyft driver makes because it almost certainly varies with geography.

“So how many players showed up to the Kings shootaround Monday morning?”

Ugh. Because the answer is never, “Live in peace and harmony with people of all creeds and nations.”

To be honest, nobody is ready for it.

“Fuck this nerdy shit. Can’t we just drop bombs on their data centres?” - Northrop Grumman, probably


At least she isn’t allowed to vote.

I dropped off after Season Three, as soon as I realized they were going the alien baby/starchiild route. So happy I did. Reading this recap is like hearing about an college friend who at some point got heavily into meth, then dropped off the grid and joined a cult, then came back to the college reunion swearing they

The internet is trapped in a shame spiral, and it’s time for us to get the fuck out. Last week, the vortex churned

The point is to understand the focus. When some guy says shitty things, outrage is expected. The focus here is on him and what he did when he lost his job. If someone thinks that it’s too much that Internet outrage can result in a man losing his job, that’s an acceptable position to take. And if you want to criticize

On behalf of scientifically literate people who despise Monsanto, please don’t equate GMO’s and Monsanto. GMO’s are awesome and a fantastic tool to solve all sorts of problems, hopefully someday including world hunger. But there are valid reasons, completely independent of any anti-science bullshit, to hate Monsanto.

This might be my next Mount & Blade, which is my go-to non-fantasy Medieval game.

No matter the ups and downs of their career, I'll never not love the Wachowskis. It's impossible to resist their joy in making films.

Just a silly notion, but how is this not considered grave robbing. How long do they have to wait to go digging up someone's body for it to be considered archeology.

I actually hated the second G.I. Joe more than the first one - the Adrianne Palicki who spends 3/4 of the movie in "sexy" clothing to seduce various villains, Bruce Willis weird sexism against her (the Brenda thing, among others) but, worse of all, the finale in which the Joes lets London be destroyed - when they had

No, they tend not to have criminal codes that reach into who is legally allowed to referee a Junior Varsity HS basketball game.

Duh, it's because they got Mark Aguirre to officiate the varsity game.