What? We’re sad? Anna Farris can do better. Chris Pratt had one adorable role as Andy Dwyer, then when the big fame hit he word vomited his real, problematic thoughts about how it’s men’s “turn” to be objectified in film and about how there aren’t enough films that are about white hetero guys like him.
Oh boy. I’m a criminal attorney and this is, shall we say......... “problematic”?? That’s the word the kids are usin’ these days.
I never appreciate how lucky I am to live in California until I go to another state and see their ridiculous liquor laws. What do you mean I can’t buy liquor in a grocery store? What do you mean I can’t buy beer on Sundays? What do you mean I can’t drink at the bar unless I order food?
Knob Creek it is.
Don’t worry everyone… I got this.
I’m still convinced this is some kind of comedic social experiment thing. There’s just no way you put together that cast for any movie that you want to be taken seriously.
The couple seem like the sort of people who:
Cocaine is a hell of a drug.
Continue to be asexual and inherit the Earth.
You know, if this is your response to women sharing their stories of abuse—whatever race they are—I wouldn’t be surprised if you were a perpetrator yourself, because to speak that way speaks to a deeply insensitive, sociopathic and abusive mentality. Additionally, it might behoove your backwards ass to research before…
The entitlement the WORLD feels to women’s bodies is so, so real.
“Interesting how quickly “nice guys” can become not-so-nice when you challenge their ideas”
I had a long and specific answer...essentially, your post stirred up a few feelings. I decided puppy cuddles were a better option at the moment.
Here’s the thing, we Black women don’t value Black women. Not as whole, flawed human beings. We value characteristics, parts of a whole. Mostly strength, a characteristic that does not ever allow us to see ourselves as victims of anything.
I take it, you didn’t see girls trip then. No, but this is something I observe among my white girlfriends, “this is the fun plan, and we cannot deviate from the fun plan or else we will not have fun. It doesn’t matter if we’re not having fun, it’s on the fun plan so it must be fun” whereas with my black and latina…
Tennant acted alongside Whittaker for three seasons of Broadchurch. If anyone should be able to evaluate whether she’s capable of being The Doctor, it’s him. And by all accounts, he adores her both professionally and personally. That’s good enough for me.
Why do you, a man, feel the need to insert yourself in an article about the high rate at which women are murdered by their intimate partners?
If you can get in touch with the school where you received your AA and talk to an advisor there, they can help you with the specifics of getting in to a four-year school and financing your education. Once you get there, my school had a pre-med advisor, a pre-med student group - seek out those people and they can help…