
While I do understand how pre-cancerous cells can be very scary (I’ve had a lot of moles removed and each time reminds how I’m probably going to get melanoma), this comment still made me LOL.

I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve tried to reply to a comment but get stuck in autoscroll hell. It’s incredibly frustrating.

It wouldn’t be so bad if the articles were in sequential order, but on my feed it seems random. This gives me anxiety.

I’ve found shoes that were comfortable and aesthetically pleasing, but they generally fell apart within weeks. I found it better to just spend more money when better quality shoes were on sale when I started working at my current job some years ago.

noooooooooooooo i like payless lol

Yep. I just rewatched the last scene. She’s thrown that he comes up to her at a signing and tries to have a ~moment~, and touched that he cared enough to write a comic about their relationship ... but I don’t think it’s meant to imply anything romantic will come of it.

Yeah, I thought the ending was clear as crystal that Alyssa was never ever getting back together with Holden. I also saw the threesome offer as an act of desperation.

I didn’t mind the “how do two women have sex” conversation because IIRC, Alyssa explains it pretty clearly and Holden was totally the type of person who

It is also fun to go over with friends after they see it. There are not many movies where processing the details and their meaning is fun and fruitful.

As a friendly rebuttal, I think what the world needs is more people of color working on sci-fi. The past few years I’ve been delighted by the diversity of authors writing science fiction novels (damn good ones too). Now I want to see more diversity in front of and behind the camera for sci-fi movies as well.

Getting attached to an Akira remake is not good, because it takes him away from making socially conscious, tightly constructed genre films with limited studio interference. Let some other hack get sucked into the next tent pole film and let us keep Peele. Please.

So the Asian woman’s brain went into Scarlett Johansson, and Scarlett’s brain went into a cell phone to keep Joaquin Phoenix company, does that mean somewhere out there is an Asian woman with an iPhone for a brain? How will we ever get them back in their correct bodies??

Not going to lie, I’m pretty damn stoked to see how FMA turns out. Hell, even Death Note wasn’t half bad by any means, and made with a tiny fraction of what GITS cost.

Does the new infinite article scroll on the site(s) count?

George Takei’s was pretty mean.

I’m in the BDSM community and that’s definitely only something that should be said if both parties have expressed equal interest in it already. Since he sprang it on you and sex has been pretty vanilla so far I can see that being a big red flag. Not for sure, he may just not have tact but the most important thing in

Further proof that when you have a kid, you become a worse version of yourself in service of sculpting your child’s best self.

OMG! Yes! Yes yes yes!

I got a sneak peak at the investigation form the Arkansas GOP recommends doctors use to comply with this law:

This guy watched tooooooons of interracial porn. I’d bet money on it.