How the fuck can they say they don’t have enough info to officially call it a hate crime? He yelled get out of my country and shot two people he believed were middle eastern. Sounds like a pretty open and shut case of hate crime and terrorism to me.
How the fuck can they say they don’t have enough info to officially call it a hate crime? He yelled get out of my country and shot two people he believed were middle eastern. Sounds like a pretty open and shut case of hate crime and terrorism to me.
Yes. It was obviously an excuse because college audiences weren’t enjoying his moldy old jokes. His best work was written by Larry David and the other writers of his TV show. I’m a middle-aged man in the demographic most likely to appreciate his humor, and I wouldn’t choose to see his standup act over, say, the acts…
PFT made some excellent points, but here’s the gist;
Even the Joker hates Nazis, kids!
I think actual poor kids always know they are poor.
Doesn’t really sound like a “money is strange” situation. Sounds more like a “you grew up quite rich, and around really rich people” situation.
I work in a building that is owned, and ran by orthodox jews, yet in november most of them spoke of voting for trump...
The Nazi Officers Wife may be somewhat what you are looking for!
This was one of the most surprising “afters” of the election - talking to black friends and colleagues that were not at all shocked by what happened and more than that, were bemused by how freaked out I was. One of them said “never underestimate a white man’s desire to keep what he thinks is rightfully his, he’ll do…
Someone check Steve Bannon’s office tomorrow.
Sounds like my job lol
I feel so bad for the people I know who studied HR thinking they’d get a job that helped workers, then showed up the first day and realised their entire job was protecting the company.
OMG. I am SOOOO sex positive and you-do-you-y and nonjudgmental BUT THAT’S SO MANY PARTNERS OMG.
Never married does not mean never loved.
I am quite ill and totally wondered how in the hell they were going to fit a whole man into a cabinet and what it would look like etc before I realized what was meant >.<
Flat on your back is bad for breathing, tearing, circulation.
I’m also a tall man who rides the subway every day. And yet I didn’t feel the need to don my fedora of justice.
La La Land is a perfectly fine movie.
Octavia Spencer should win an Oscar for the “I know you probably believe that” line. For me that was the most memorable and timely moment in the whole film.
Murkowski and Collins could’ve stopped Devos in committee, and chose to advance her to the floor, and then to end debate and force a vote where she was certain to be confirmed. Grandstanding bullshit where they get to pretend they’re “reasonable” but take no action when it actually matters.