I would have NEVER known if I didnt track my periods like a crazy person, and even then, because I had spotting and didnt realize it wasnt a period, I was around 5 1/2 weeks when I got an abortion.
I would have NEVER known if I didnt track my periods like a crazy person, and even then, because I had spotting and didnt realize it wasnt a period, I was around 5 1/2 weeks when I got an abortion.
For the next four years: suck my dick, you pieces of shit. You may feel like god is on your side but history is on mine, you miserable pieces of shit.
My thoughts exactly. Believing in the fundamental decency of everyone you encounter is a wonderful trait until you encounter a truly indecent person. This goes for politics as well as your personal life.
I now have trump stress dreams. I can’t even process how the fuck this is our new reality. We are all so fucked.
Seriously, I think it’s rained more this last week than it has the entire time I’ve lived in LA. And I’ve been here a while.
I’m torn between my belief in freedom of expression and my sheer annoyance towards a certain type of vegan.
I’d watch it, so long as Collins’ paychecks were cut directly to a charity to help abused children.
The would be so great. I bet we could get Catherine Hicks to sign on for that.
Call it First Circle of Hell
How about a dark reboot where the shattered family comes to grips with their father’s incarceration for sexual abuse, and how it forces them all to question the Christian dogma they have heretofore blindly adhered to.
What we’ve done instead of trying to surround him with what people consider A-listers is we are going to surround him with the soft sensuality of the place. It’s a much more poetic cadence than having a circus-like celebration that’s a coronation,” Barrack said. “That’s the way this president-elect wanted it.
Your experience does not make “truth”.
i love this woman.
Your post does not contradict my post.
Let’s look on the positive side: he doesn’t have to be the announcer for the worst person ever elected President.
Good. No one associated with anything traditional should be anywhere near his ass to sully themselves. Everything about this inaugeration - and this presidency, really - should have to be harder for him than it has been for previous presidents just to ram home the point that this presidency is not normal.
I saw “La La Land” about 24 hours ago and have steadily grown angrier/more irritated the more I think about it. It really made no sense, but not in a fun, whimsical way. More in a too many plot holes and bizarre character motivations way. And the songs were mostly boring.
Yay, so glad you got a chance to try! And beard wax might even do a better job than soap.
Love the vid! Any tips for a lady that has trich and scarring to fill out brows? I have basically no hair, and while I dont mind the drawn on look (I feel like I can pull it off...?) I am dying for a more natural look. :(
When can we finally admit that Seinfeld isnt and never was all that funny by himself?