
I’m sure others have said this but damn if this isn’t as terrible a few days for Donald Trump as it is for everyone else. This is the worst possible thing to happen to him. He thought he’d lose, become a right-wing martyr, and get a cushy seat yelling at America through Trump TV about crooked Hillary for 30 minutes a

Disagree. His tweets need to be posted on billboards next to major highways so that Trump voters are reminded daily on the way to work and back just what they have fucking done.

My coworker’s daughter is out protesting in Seattle. The girl voted for Stein. She should be home hanging her head in shame.

Most boring pissing contest idea ever. Sign below

I love Joanne so much that I already played it out. Now I am amped for the music videos. My one criticism is that I wish her eyebrows were blonde. Have never been a fan of her dark brows with blonde hair.

My tale isn’t exactly public, but at least there’s a witness. It’s a story of shame and the meaning of friendship.

Hahahaha, could be. Back around Christmas, I had made a comment on Reddit and a user there replied with... “Mom?” I just thought it was a joke and a minute later, my son was in my doorway and asked, “Do you use Reddit?” Oh, man. The internet is a small place sometimes.

You can tell a lot about a guy by his reaction to the question, “why are men afraid of women?”

I lie constantly for pretty much my whole life and cannot for the life of me figure out why I still do it. It could be the smallest dumbest thing to lie about and if I told my wife the truth it’s a non issue but I just lie about it and then it becomes a whole thing.

If you’re carrying enough water weight to produce tears, you’re too bloated for the runway fam.

This is my favorite post of the year. I only wish Kinja would make it easier to save my place! I want to read aaaaaallllll the scary stories. I tried keeping the tab open, so I can use a scary story as a reward for working, and it reset the page. The horrors.

This took place when I was about 10 years old. My mom had rather quickly filed for divorce, but she only had a part-time job and made very little money, so finding a place to stay that was affordable and available immediately was tough. A friend of hers told her that she and her husband had

I know I’m late to the party, but here is a truly scary story - you might say it was a matter of life and death.

I’ve only told this story to my closest friends. I haven’t even confided in my sister (for fear of the obvious shame). Please buckle in because this tale needs to be told in length.

Make a pentagram on your bathroom ceiling from a poultice of your own hair, a gallon of ram’s blood, and the livers of fifteen alcoholic chickens. Cover yourself in a thick layer of golden glitter while chanting that song from The Little Mermaid about Ariel wanting legs in Aramaic and boom, no more spirits.

i wish people would stop using the mcdonalds case because that isnt even what the issue was

Sorry to be nit picky, but the McDonald’s coffee thing is a pet peeve of mine. The case was badly reported in the media, the issue wasn’t that there was no warning about the coffee being hot. It was a defective product lawsuit, because some idiot at McDonald’s turned the heat up until it was literally scalding hot.

Your story is horrifying, but all I can hear in my head is Aunt Vula from My Big Fat Greek Wedding: “Yes. It was my twin.”

When I was 19 I thought I wanted to get circumcised, so I went to a urologist. Now it was already embarrassing, as I felt shame for not fitting in because I am uncut, but also because I was obese (I was like 300 lbs at the time). So the urologist comes in and it’s this middle aged guy (which I was thankful for, becaue

“It’s too loud in this coffee shop! I’ll never get this abortion paperwork done!!”