You seriously need meeting on whether its ok or not to ask your coworker if they can jerk off in front of you?
You seriously need meeting on whether its ok or not to ask your coworker if they can jerk off in front of you?
I don’t have kids and dont want em but hollllllly shit I would be PISSED if they saw something as disturbing as above on the “kids” channel!
That video was way more frightening than I thought it would be! I hope she gets her brain looked at o-0
Exactly!! Thank you!
Glad I wasnt the only one thinking that!
I read a comment on here once that was just like yours and someone else replied along the lines of “never let a predator force you away from something you love, or to suffer because they are who they are. Principals are principals, but the bills still need to get paid” I am not being nearly as eloquent but it really…
Thats so good! Its so important to trust yourself and your feelings 💜
Thank you so much for that link💜
Ya’ll made me tear up at work haha
Thank you, hugs hugs💜
Refocusing onto the people the act happened to sounds brilliant.
Thank you.💜
I have had an experience where I am still not sure if it was “actual” assault, but I get the same feeling as you. Occasionally I see his face or his car and I cant breathe
Why...why does he think that is at all appropriate?
That would be amazing!
Been wanting to see this in a movie since highschool, cant believe they did it let alone did a great fucking job. I loved it!!
You’re my hero
Every group of “friends” I had in middle school always wanted to give me a makeover. If only if I waxed my brows, dressed better, just a little make up. Nevermind my family didnt have the money to do that!