
Been wanting to see this in a movie since highschool, cant believe they did it let alone did a great fucking job. I loved it!!

You’re my hero

Every group of “friends” I had in middle school always wanted to give me a makeover. If only if I waxed my brows, dressed better, just a little make up. Nevermind my family didnt have the money to do that!


25 here and feel the same thing.

But it wasnt and if he ever listened to her , for 2 seconds, he would know she would hate something like that 😩 Not only that but the books were FAKE!

Really??? Her laugh makes me want to take a screwdriver to my eardrums 😱

So you’re perfect, guess the issue is just her then ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

You seem to ask for advice and then get REALLY defensive, why?

OTHER than the outright support, my boyfriend is EXACTLY like your mother. Always quick to be devils advocate, and be centrist on these really intense issues where it -should- be obvious what the proper belief is, voted for him, etc. But...hes black and I’m white, and I really dont know how to handle this. I dont want

Medical Apartheid is...I don’t want to say fantastic because it is absolutely horrific, but it is...worth reading. Def on the “all white people need to:” list.

Thank you 💜💜💜

Word is, he may actually be fired now.

He passed a man and didnt even flinch, then immediately rammed into her???

This was a rollar coaster all the way through and I loved it.

Who cares about them as long as you get a long healthy life yeah?

You are 100% correct.

Didn’t his family sue the government for his death and -win-?

There will be nudes everywhere in my home, what can I say, I love the form of a woman ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

This article and these comments have me speechless.