
That bad. I watched it without audio and wat. Sucking her lips in constantly and lunging at the camera, opening her eyes wider to appear...upset? I can understand not knowing how to subtly emote on camera but damn, painful to watch.

sex was so painful for 3 years, including abnormal bleeding, and random bouts of pain where I could not stand through them. i thought about killing myself. The nurse asked if I had ever been molested, no, she then but me on antidepressants. (thats after 600$ worth of tests, including a transvag ultrasound. i was 18)


It has been confirmed that they dated but doubtful they would air it due to it being shown in other countries. (So they say, I hope it comes to pass)

Thought about killing myself after the physical pain the pill brought me, it was gone 4 days after I stopped taking it. Condoms and crossed fingers for life! Though I dont hate on hormonal bc cause I know my case was unusual.

The reason I'm single!

watch Children of the Decree and you will see what happens when laws like this pass. Disgusting.

My grandma snacks on ice CONSTANTLY, and then had her arm just about ripped off when she dropped a piece on the floor of her car went to pick it up and flipped it a couple times.

I gasped when the tall guy stole her, like a fucking object!

Black woman is hated for it, white woman praised. of course.

it might just be me, but does she look lighter? I hope not :(

Other peoples opinions on how you parent don't mean shit but I'm still going to say fantastic job!! women should learn young that if you dont want to be touched, even "nice touches" you dont have to be!! I told a mom once that it was ok that her daughter didnt wave at me if she didnt want to, she was old enough to

I have found that if you work out with the goal "get thin" or "get hot" you will be disappointed. When I started muay thai a year ago my goal was "get strong to kick ass", and I saw that even though I was slow I was having fun and could feel myself getting stronger. Now I've lost 30 lbs, so I'm strong -and-

Women will always have to fight for the right to control their bodies, their right to be educated, their right to have a say in what they do with thier lifes. We will -never- not be over this battle. Its exhausting, it's maddening, it's not fair. Dont stop fighting, we. are. worth. more.

now allow us to dye our hair! ;(

my friends say I sound like a southern black woman, I'm white and from CA. It makes me feel horribly racist and stupid but my voice just...does that

We went to chinatown (LA) and this is exactly what I told my boyfriend, "the ones with B's dont matter because they probably make better food even if they don't get/follow all the health rules." So, I get it lol

but who doesn't know that? actually, I should do that, I guess I would be shocked

im too excited about that being 2 minutes away from me. Now i can throw a hammer at his face.

yes, yes, yes. (We can make it all year if you have your own salt, cough)