
I agree

If you ever have to get a second trans vag, just get really really mad and say you aren't leaving until a doctor tells you what's up. I did, and he came right in to tell me. Otherwise I'd have to wait too. Just make sure the doc is in, and let hell break loose.

I thought this was really adorable and funny, not everything is coated in spite and hate ya know.

They are so worth it

You should tell someone you arent having kids after theyve uncomfortably dragged you into such a conversation. Watch them MELT THE FUCK DOWN, because y'all have some sense.

I'm a red head and I ROCKED the tango, you should have given it a go!!

Condoms aren't gross, grow up

People need to CHILL out, this is what happens in a post apocalyptic world between a woman and an evil man. Not saying this is a show that deals heavily on facts or anything but the odds lean towards this. Deal.

That kind of gorgeousness is so rare

Letting women die, or force them to give birth to children they do not want because an old white man in the sky says so IS nonsensical

Oh yeah, cause the justice system has never fucked up before

I'm losing my job because I don't fake smile well enough, I believe this study 100%