
Pointing that out for what? That stat means that black people have a chance at “taking over”?

I'm not asking what you'd expect (besides, no you wouldn't). Apparently the amount of homocides committed by black people is bad and means black people are bad or whatever anti-black point you’re trying to make so what is the correct amount of homocides that black people should be committing to not be bad?

Because it was a particularly grusome story that involed torture (those stories generate clicks, too).

how many murders should we commit?

i could easily imagine how great things would be if white people went away and gave all the shit they took back to the rest of the world

wow, three things.

haha. “honest question”

What’s the “angle”, otherwise that makes these national news? For reference, there was a story about wealthy white family that was tortured and murdered by a black person. There were multiple posts about it on Gawker. Maybe you just have a misguided understanding of how things work?

What would you like to say about those stories?

would, nah, nah, would (far back), n/a, n/a, would

“Your sex-offender cousin might have something to say about this”

“Your dog-poisoning aunt will love this photo”

“Your wife beating grandpa would love this!”

I don’t have a racist uncle, and wouldn’t think it was a cute thing to talk about if I did. Thanks.

Why are there so many people on the internet who don’t understand what being a high profile employee of McDonalds actually means in terms of “success”?

Jesus Christ your are an enormous piece of shit, please shut up and go away

Sorry, your 2nd tier country can’t hold that up as a point of pride either because soft serve is not the standard form of ice cream in the US. The only places I know of that serves milkshakes that aren’t “hand dipped” are national fast food chains.

because the type of people who play online games don’t insult each other with “lesbian” (yet)

“We are famous for our hand-dipped shakes. Everybody knows our hand-dipped shakes. For the uninitiated, a hand0dipped shake is made with real ice cream, not the seaweed plastic-juice stuff you get at other fast-food restaurants.”

It was probably a non-chain deli with high quality meat and breads.