
Yes, thank you for another attempt at getting people to feel like stupid simpletons because they recognize Islam is the ideology of the enemy and want to play games where they get to kill its adherents.

Yeah, but the political is based on the epistemological.

Yes it is.

It's not anti-American to criticize, or even to criticize America, but they are not criticizing a departure from American values; they are criticizing American values, those being freedom, profit, independence, productiveness, pride, et cetera.

You are asking me: "What if 2+2 equaled 5? Would you still follow the laws of mathematics, or just go with it? AND DON'T TELL ME THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE."

What is American is what is consonant with the founding philosophy of the country. What is anti-American is what is contrary to it. They reject the philosophy, hence they are anti-American and not simply advocating tweaking.

Haha, I love that line.

You are either dishonest or don't pay attention. That second is not an insult. Some people just like to play around in GTA. GTA is, on its face, a critique of what the Housers view as the downside of America. However, since what they critique is the essence of America (selfishness, profit, making money, pride, et

"Recession" is code for "capitalism" here. Get ready for a swell of games in the GTA style of packaging hackneyed, anti-American nonsense as bold and courageous.

That guy's got great abs.

It is gratifying to see that, despite the attempts of gaming's cowardly and self-hating "intellectuals," most gamers (as represented in the comments) retain the capacity to be indignant at being baselessly accused of sexism.

This is a branch of Gawker. Kotaku's strength is up-to-date information, not analysis or opinion. Just get your news and move on.

They're just attacking Cain because he's surging in the polls. Same reason they went after Perry for calling Social Security a Ponzi scheme. They're pragmatists, not ideologues.

Depends on the city. I doubt he'd mind if Godzilla rampaged through San Francisco.

Thanks, I'm just looking for as many great ideas as I can find! I want her to remember this.

That could have been more simply worded, but the answer is: it won't. Readers have to uplift themselves. This just allows them to understand why they feel bad when they play games, and that it's not just because of their failure to live up to an arbitrary social edict or the "Protestant work ethic"; it's because the

She might like it, but I'd never sanction it. I won't buy organic soap from any corrupt business that flagrantly touts environmentalism. I value my life too much. I'm not buying Ben and Jerry's ice cream for her for a similar reason. I'll get Haagen-Dazs, or probably borrow my friend's equipment and make homemade ice

Yeah, that sounds great, but she's pretty outgoing and lives in a lively college town, so I don't know what she's done and what she hasn't. The biggest hurdle I'm having is getting enough information while still making everything a surprise.