No love for El Viaje Misterioso De Nuestro Jomer? The chili cook-off episode?
No love for El Viaje Misterioso De Nuestro Jomer? The chili cook-off episode?
This ad did wonders for 10-year-old me. WONDERS.
The Walking Dead Season 2. This dog. This God damn dog has disturbed me more than any other thing in any other game.
I can deal with the blood and guts of humans, but this dog did me in.
Holy crap you're right, it is the Pair battle splash. Good eye!
Veterans don't get the same pomp and circumstance as newcomers. No returning veteran has gotten the splash.
Looks like ROBIN'S Final Smash, as Robin calls him out at the end of the trailer, not Lucina.
Watching the trailer again, Chrom looks to be ROBIN'S Final Smash, not Lucina's:
I think Chrom is an Assist Trophy. He didn't get the splash image that the rest of the characters did.
That would be Treasure Cove! from The Learning Company.…!
Find Mii stage being revealed on the same week that Reggie is due to reveal an update on a "upcoming Wii U game?" Sounds like Mii will be revealed at VGX, wouldn't you say?
You can now play Wii games on the Wii U controller's screen (and play them in surround sound, too!). CATCH: the Wii U controller's buttons won't work. You still need to use a Wii Remote. Impractical!
Unfortunately, this is nothing new.
When I worked for GS, they had what were called "new-to-used" conversions where all new copies of a game would be converted to "used" (unsealed, disc removed, case goes out). Normally this would be a good thing for the buyer, since the game would be discounted with more possible…
Somebody call MTV, we have ourselves a Main Event.
I want two exclusive modes, one for each system.
That "unannounced project" art HAS to be Lower Hengsha from a new Deus Ex, right?
The first part is the Internet's reaction after PS4's reveal. The second is reaction to Xbox One today.
I read the last line of that first paragraph and immediately thought "I voted for Kodos!"
I think a girl I went to college with is a psychic of some kind, because she's been cosplaying as this sorceress at every Halloween party since 2006.
The article clearly says that the Kickstarter will begin February 25th, which is tomorrow.
Maybe I'm too biased for the pro-gamer side, but aren't parents who allow video games to parent their children AND/OR choose to ignore ratings and allow their children to play these games just as much as fault here? The rating system is really very simple, especially when compared to movie ratings: