
This is what's wrong with Internet anonymity. A person can spew filth like the comments on this video without any repercussion, but the person receiving the comments must deal with this abuse.

Where's the ring? If my now-fiancee came in with nails like that, I'd have proposed a HELL of a lot sooner.

Where the hell were you people when the 3DS was in GameStop's system for 999.99? They just want to get your pre-orders, then when the real prices come out, they'll convert you. That's what happened with the 3DS, and that's what going to happen to the NGP. Stop being idiots, people!

@woshiernog: This. Quimby was created in JFK's image, right down to the voice.

This is a good one from Capcom's Halloween album...even though it blatantly spoils a new character for MvC3...

@alanp9: That's fine, you sit and not play it while the rest of us enjoy the kick-ass Assassin's Creed storyline.

@martinf1: When? Which game? If you mean the card game, I don't think that counts...

Now playing

They certainly were excited during the MvC3-specific panel. Listen to them scream for Arthur!

@Sarcasmancer: Yes, yes they will. Watch the Tokyo Game Show trailer to the end. Remix!

Whaddya mean the story didn't revolve around ultimate power of pharmaceutical companies?! Did you finish it?

See ya there Totilo! I'll be playing Marvel vs Capcom 3 a whole lot!

I wonder if she'll let the kids experience breaking her leg snowboarding with her, as she with the E3 '08 crowd...

@shenmue2: "Kotaku- Zelda is looking different. *doesnt say how*

@arniejolt: Free Kaepora Gaebora. A song just as long as its name.

@simply_androoo: It's more of a shot at the demo. Did you watch the video?

@Archaotic: While I understand your stance, you'd be missing out on some great gaming. Zero was awesome.

Dead Rising 2 is pre-ordered and ready to be bought. I'll rent GH to see if it's really worth it. I do like me some music gaming, though...