
Marvel vs Capcom 3. The anticipation is killing me. Spring 2011 is TOO FAR AWAY!!

This may be bad news, but it's great news for my wallet. I'm no longer required to buy two Collector's Editions on the same day (this and Assassin's Creed). Hooray financial relief!

@Diamond Sea: I did, and I did. What a sad ending.

Our store's midnight was a bit smaller than I expected. 146 copies sold combined between the three versions. With over 360 reserves, that's a bit light.

Marvel vs Capcom 3 news. Hopefully a release window, but anything will be fine by me.

Two reviews to write for GamerNode, Birth by Sleep and UFC PSP. Should be an easy transition, yeah?

@BlackStones: That question mark is She-Hulk. Calling it now.

@MarcianTobay: Epic comment is epic. I was crying I was laughing so hard.

Cannot wait for this. It looks incredible.

@R0bster: Donkey Kong Country Returns. If that doesn't make you more interested in the game, nothing will.

"A central design feature of these new stores is the fact you can buy downloadable content. You walk in, swipe your credit card, and you get a redeem code for the DLC you just bought. You then have to go home and download it. Sure, you'll get loyalty points for doing so, but does GameStop HQ not see the absurdity in

As cool as these trailers are, why couldn't there be a new MVC3 TRAILERRRRRRR?!!!?!?!?!?!!!?

Jack-In-The-Box?! Where's my Codex like the European version?! BAH!

As a frequenter of a local Gamestop and a friend of the employees, I can verify this. It said "Hola Reach." Unbelievable lol.

@Archaotic: Well then those "thousands" of gamers have to get over their shit. This is the decision Ubisoft made. If those thousands are true Assassin's Creed fans (like myself), they'll do what they have to do to play the beta.

@Archaotic: Really? Only GameStop? Because Ubisoft doesn't see any profits from new game sales? Because pre-orders are guaranteed new sales? Yes, the business goes to GS, but by ensuring pre-orders, Ubisoft is also ensuring that their game will be sold new, not used, therefore increasing their profit margin.

@Edix: I suppose it would depend on the profanity in question. If it's the common words like "hell, damn, ass, shit, fuck," etc., I may be able to understand. However, if it's anything derogatory, like "nigger" or any other variation of it, then delete the hell out of it. The rating on the box is T, after all.

Why is it that PC gamers always seem like whiny, inconsolable babies whenever they get something taken away? Is it really that inconceivable that a inappropriate map be deleted?