Some good deals, but completely overshadowed by this fact: I look at that picture, and all I can think is I DRINK YOUR MILKSHAKE. I DRINK IT UP.
Some good deals, but completely overshadowed by this fact: I look at that picture, and all I can think is I DRINK YOUR MILKSHAKE. I DRINK IT UP.
What is NANCY fighting in the background of that stage? I can't tell...
Hah! You used the word "afoot" too! Excellent! What a great word...
@Heliophage: Slow summer means catching up on everything I've missed! What have you not played?
"If it wasn't junkies trying to sell stolen merch it was mountains of Lord of the Rings games and FIFA 03 threatening to crush me to death in the back room."
@jonmonocle: This. One thousand million times this.
All sound nominees. My overall game of E3 is a three-way tie between Portal 2, Epic Mickey, and Marvel vs Capcom 3...I can't decide...
I knew that would be the shirt you were talking about...I tried so stinkin' hard to get that shirt...couldn't do it. PLEEEEEEASE SELL THEM!!!!!
Oh God...I thought the Ban Hammer was there's a Foreign Legion!?
@PunkyChipsAhoy: I saw how the Berserker works. You can still see, but everything is hazy and the corners of the screens are all black and wispy. It's a very cool effect.
ME ME ME ME ME!!!!! I AM I AM I AM I AM!!!!!
We got a price on that yet?
"Let Us Have A Calisthentic Sex" might be the best title for anything I've ever heard. Was Borat in it?
For the first time ever, I won't need this website, as I'll be in the room. I cannot tell you how exciting it is, almost unreal.
@surft: That is one of the three founders of Tapout, a major MMA clothing company.
I could think of no better ending to what has become my favorite television show of all time. Closure, where closure needed to be.
@(2x2x2)thR: FIRST! BWAHAHAH!
@ElephantFace: I'd like ACIII to be set in the Modern Era, but instead of different cities being visited, different times will be visited.