
Skip the new Quesalupa. It sucks worse than cancer.

Not a gunship version, a gunship complement. A tilt rotor Cobra.



He’s got a good editor; us.

“Every clap and giggle rightfully belonged to the F-35 program.”

Funny, all he mentioned was a rough area.

It couldn’t be anymore Russian if it had a vodka drinking brown bear in the cockpit.

Bump for more plane porn

Thanks! I didn’t feel like disabling my several ad blockers.

This is why planes can take off when on a treadmill

Many of you are probably thinking: why is the Pentagon disclosing any of this? But the Obama Administration has to sell the idea that it’s making progress and accelerating the fight against ISIS after a year and a half of stagnation.

Focused his NV. While wrastlin.

I remember showing up to ROTC at fifteen years old, and wondering what sort of desk that Mickey Mouse looking little guy with the glasses had spent his career flying.

That’s tacticool as fuck. I grew a beard just looking at it.

You’re one of those guys who thought Japan was going to own the world in the late 80s, aren’t you?

It is a nice thing.

I’m pretty sure Jeep will sue them.

failed to kill off the U.S. shale oil industry