
Building those islands and air defences would be rather pointless if they had should a vulnerability wouldn’t you say?

Oh, those are spectacular!

“China’s economy is in more of a mess than the headlines imply.”


Somewhere, Dale Brown just got an erection.


I’d really love a comedy mix tape a decade from now of the Chinese carrier effort.

I think it would be crazy to assume commodity prices don’t rebound.

The 20th century has this cool new thing called the submarine. You should Google it.

Who isn’t?

It actually wasn’t as ridiculous as it looked. Only weighed about 14lbs, but was bulky as fuck.

I think they would have been better served with a tilt rotor gunship.

And yet here we are, getting ready to build another gold plated aircraft.

It’s going to be evolutionary, rather than revolutionary like the last one.

Having our bomber fleet perform CAS for fifteen years certainly hasn’t helped.

Don’t worry!

Our poor have shiny toys in their pockets and hanging on their walls. With enough left over to buy tattoos and drugs.

Honestly, not sure.

And who do you think gets their junk when they’re done with it?

No, but they get more money to screw it up with.