
He does post a bunch of nonsense.

Stared because I wanted to draw attention to you citing Wesley Clark.

I still don’t understand the point of Russian sock puppeting on western sites/forums. Sure that propaganda flies at home where all news is state controlled but why bother here?

So there’s the long, ambiguous answer for you.

Whatever makes for good music.

They have an excuse. There was an entire country to rebuild.


I’m pretty sure everyone who has owned one of these is...

Any turbo you bolt on a rotary will make an LS more powerful.

That’s funny- until it’s not.

Yeah, you have to be careful.

So you’ve done jack and/or shit, huh?

Yeah, I did too when I was a kid, but the LS motors are cheaper, lighter, more powerful and reliable.


Please list your engine swaps in chronological order.

For me, it’s because I think the C3 body is gorgeous, it’s a pretty damn good chassis, and I think it deserves a better motor than the Chevrolet V8.

I guess you missed the “adjustable coilovers from a circle track car” part.

No shit?