
Seeing as how The Last Of Us Part 2 has Nathan’s ring you can find in a bank vault, I’d say Naughty Dog are in on the joke and have been putting such easter eggs in their games for a while now.

You haven’t taken a single screenshot or video in 6 years? Huh. Figured everyone used them to at least capture occasional bugs or beautiful scenes, even with no plans to share.

Other points are valid, but how tf did it feel cheap? After DS4, DS3 feels like a toy.

Which can be said about every business that ever existed. Doesn’t make philanthropy a made-up thing.

He literally is by definition though.

Does it though? Still looks like one of the most generic games I’ve ever seen.

Also worth noting that it’s the only loading you’ll see when playing. It loads up the game on launch, and that’s it. You can beat the entire thing and never see a loading screen.

Think about it: do you need to be motivated to brush your teeth every morning? To go to work?

Man, one weekly message reminding to update, that must be rough. Talk about first world problems.

How is making improvements that use newer hardware “sneaky planned obsolescence”? This is literally what progress is.

That is indeed one good cat.

Understandable, and I know that, but still. I expected more life out of it, and they marketed it as more future-proof than usual due to being a “special edition” essentially, yet the very next year Xs got some features that were literally locked from X due to silly reasoning. Felt like a betrayal of sorts.

Sad to not see it on X. That phone was frankly marketed as way more future-proof than it turned out to be, functionality-wise. It’s still super fast and capable.

Thing about weed though is that it’s usually smoked occasionally, or rarely. Cigarettes on the other hand are often smoked daily, multiple times.

Sure. Right after I finally cave in and buy a Eleaf lightstrip. Now all my other lights are controlled separately since they are from Philips. 

Pretty sure it’s just spoiled children of filthy rich parents.

Because it’s directed by Christopher Nolan, who basically never made a bad movie, and all of them were huge hits so he has a ton of fans? That can be more than enough for many people to want to see it.

Why would you play PS4 on a ultrawide though? It just means pillarboxing on both sides?

I did, and it’s still super buffling. It was an amazing game in 2016 and it still is to this day. Replayed it a couple weeks ago and it’s better than 99% of stuff coming out.

No Uncharted 4 or Uncharted Collection on this list is a crime.