
Which is why I would prefer them not call it a reaction video.

Exactly, so I feel like calling it “reaction” is wrong.

My problem is mostly with the title. Original “reaction” videos mean something else, so them using it here feels inappropriate/clickbaity.

That’s my point, why call it a reaction? Clickbait? Obviously it’s not a usual “reaction” video.

I’m just used to the original reaction videos being about people who never saw something, and are reacting to that, and that reaction can be funny, like “omg that 1997 videogame must be 150 years old at least with such poor visuals!!”. So I feel like using “react” in the title implies that, instead of analysis of

I don’t get those “VFX artists react to CGI” videos. Like, these guys are VFX artists. They have seen all the crap you can possibly think of showing them. How is it “reacting” if they have seen it many times before you showed it to them?

Based on? It seems rather obvious that Outbreak was basically a test for this. Concept is identical, except this also has an entire campaign.

That was so damn weird though. So people in that year have the ability to create a human-level AI in a toy for children (meaning military projects and such are light years ahead), and the world is EXACTLY the same as today? Like, seriously?

Sad that this “dark sci-fi” part of the episode was the dumbest thing in it. They could’ve just used a freaking ghost writer, you know, like literally every singer does now. No one would ever know. But sure, let’s ACTUALLY extract stuff from her brain and then try to work with it even though it doesn’t fit.

Well this would be very lame unless they plan on introducing something that actually replaces all of its functions. I really enjoy being able to back up my devices and copy music/photos/videos to them in one app. Even if they split this to different apps, Music/Photos makes sense, but what will handle the backup and

What about Crysis though? That was probably the biggest leap for me after PS2. People literally wouldn’t believe it was real-time back then I recall.

Eh, for me it’s not that art is worthless, but how much it’s worth.

I actually think BF3 had one of the best military/realistic FPS single player campaigns of all time.

That is all true. However, we only need to get to AGI once, then that’s it, we’ll have it. And if it is at all possible, I personally expect it to happen much, much sooner than next century, definitely in my lifetime. Or we may realize that it’s not really possible at all and hit a wall. But until we are there, I’m

The level of development of a general AI is currently at the same level as Archimedes water pump is to a modern day internal combustion engine.

I just crack up each time someone tries to be smart and say something will 100% not happen “this century”.

I’d love to know the reason some people get it scratched so easily.

Firefox has become pretty great, but my point was that it is still by far the most popular browser. Also has the most extensions.

Because of...what? Bright screens? No research about those confirmed any sort of permanent danger so far.