
While that’s a fair point, I think it’s worth pointing out that others having less shouldn’t in any way stop you from wanting more than you have. It’s not like a starving African who somehow gets a proper life in, say, New York, will forever just be happy drinking water and having showers and eating more than once a

Eh, the “advice” sounds pretty lackluster. Basically the article says when you should go, but it doesn’t really tell you how to “handle” it. Chances are, introverted people already know exactly when they need to show up, they just have trouble doing that, and the article above doesn’t help with that whatsoever. My

Been using their 5.1 setup for the last 3 years, and couldn’t have been happier. The sound is so good it’s insane. Downside is, I now hate playing on PC since I have to use headphones.

Been using their 5.1 setup for the last 3 years, and couldn’t have been happier. The sound is so good it’s insane.

It does. Sure some games don’t support it, but when they do, they market the SHIT out of it. Hell, PC games have been marketing “4K” heavily despite it not even being a feature, and despite the fact that you can run decades old games in “4K”.

Not really. I have friends who play a lot on consoles but don’t own a PC, and many of them can’t really tell the difference between 60 and 30 fps games (despite trying both), and always get surprised when I mention not liking a game because it’s in 30 fps. Some people honestly don’t pay attention to this, even though

Bet it was him not liking what he saw...

60FPS does sell plenty, it’s just that many people honestly don’t care.

Can we please stop calling multiplatform games exclusives? At least mention that the original game was also released for PC day one.

A connected AI vehicle would never back into another AI vehicle in the first place.

Huh. I may actually do that, didn’t realize this might be an actual, treatable disorder. Thanks for the heads up!

I mean, I tried it quite a few times, but it didn’t do anything for me.

You’re hopefully waking up rested and relaxed.

I guess Telegram still isn’t popular enough to write about?

Fair enough. But I sure do hope that a vastly improved model is on the way, maybe with the next console?

Wow, talk about disappointing. This is such a tiny update, pretty sure literally no one with the original model will actually replace it with this one.

Not really. Moscow.

I guess it depends on your location, but the majority of women absolutely do want to get married as fast as possible, to anyone, where I live. And there are also a ton who don’t give two shits about a man being interesting, and would LOVE to find a husband who has a good job a car and a home and nothing else.

Considering that they even made the change, I don’t think you are in the minority.

Not sure what is there to joke about. The game was more fun, the story was more interesting, the visuals were better. That’s not even a competition in my book.