20+ years? More like 2 or so.
20+ years? More like 2 or so.
I mean, is it fair? No. But what do you expect, doing *freelance* editing for *youtube* channels. Shit, you get left hanging with no pay in “real” jobs often. I worked on a TV channel for a month in September, and I’m still waiting for my payment.
This is easily in my top-3 concerns for switching from iOS to an Android device, which I decided to do considering how new iPhones come without a jack.
Dude, comment is 4 years old...
I never called him dumb. But yeah, unless you don’t need the money at all, there’s nothing bad about monetizing a video with tens of millions of views. Who doesn’t want ads can use adblock :)
Same question. I guess it’s possible he’s not monetizing it for whatever reason, but that’d be pretty dumb. 90 million views wouldn’t make him rich, but it would pay more than a single yen.
By its end, Season 2 turned out to be a huge letdown for me compared to brilliant Season 1 which had literally no weak episodes. I’m cautiously optimistic, but that’s it.
Yas! Definitely gonna be playing that. I have no interest in Uncharted PvP (unlike the godly Last of Us Factions), but I loved the crap out of co-op in 2 and 3. Was very sad not to see it in U4, so good they’re adding it!
How could you expect it from a game like that? I’m quite sure PS4 would simply not be able to handle it.
It’s not. Looks like he just glitched his way to that, like people did in Heavy Rain when they made one of the characters walk around naked. Pretty misleading title/article.
Well, basically yeah, but still, they pretty openly stated that historic accuracy is not their selling point at all, so I wouldn’t complain about weapons.
I don’t see what that has to do with anything.
Well, they did mention it being set in an alternate reality long before release, so I think trying to analyze realism too deeply is rather useless in this case anyway.
Not sure what you’re even bashing here, considering how there is not even a story. There are multiple short campaigns, all with endings of their own.
I’m guessing the problem is that it’s multiplayer, so people can choose what they want, and that can’t end up realistic.
Seriously? Dawn of War 1 (or at least some expansion, maybe Dark Crusade) aren’t even in honorable mentions?
Well, you just ruined nearly all hope I had for this.
Sorry, I’m just too old for the console war shit :)
It’d take the most work too, though.
Meh. It looked exactly like a PS4 game (not even the best one at that), but ran in (upscaled) 4K. I’d much, much rather them do 1080p but better visuals.