I miss the days of watching E3 on G4TV.
I miss the days of watching E3 on G4TV.
I was hoping this would be the response. If you want to be assholes to the delivery people, don’t get access to the delivery service.
One thing I have yet to see from anyone criticizing Valve’s recent statement is a concrete alternative. The standard critique always seems to boil down to, “Read my mind about what should and should not be allowed on Steam, and then make that the universal acceptance policy.” Yeah, that sounds totally workable, bud.
Almost no one. For years and year writers have been complaining about it and I have never talked to any regular Joe that uses it the way these writers do.
Genuine, honest question here: Who really browses the store and relies on Steam’s built-in systems to find new games? Do those people actually exist (No, people specifically looking for crap games to stream and ridicule don’t count)?
I’ve been using Steam for damn near 8 years and I think I’ve looked at sale pages…
Right? Whatever your opinion on visual novels might be, they’re actually products. When compared to some of the other garbage Steam seems to have no problem with, threatening these in particular seems ridiculous.
I feel you on your point. I don’t get why dudes go straight to the “black women hate” agenda so fast. People call it how they see it. If it appears that way, then its perceived that way. But I will say one this... I kinda feel where he’s coming from on his old “jokes”. Because I had that same issue back in high…
honestly it would never work anyway. best he could hope for is the barrel exploding when the oversized bullet gets jammed in the curved part. bullets arnt ment to bend!
I can’t get over how much better this game is on PC. The frame rate, the resolution, the graphic options, the included DLC...I’m not even mad I purchased this game twice, it’s like a whole new experience.
That’s it, I’m gonna start my own website! With blackjack and hookers! In fact, forget the website!
They were just pullin for their team.
“... is insane, but it’s too insane to ever be taken seriously ....”
Sorry, this is America, a wretched, failing empire. Healthcare, here, is a privilage not a right, so... mental health care is only for the wealthy. Gun ownership is the basis of True ‘Merican Culture, and no amount of sanity will ever change that.
Republican in the front, skinhead in the back.
So... just like SAO reskinned Dot Hack? :D
That means Log Horizon’s a reskinning of SAO too right guys?
I’m beyond sick of people scape goating people with mental illnesses. I’m Bipolar. I’m not sitting here meditating on purging the world of white supremacists and going out in style by murdering people’s wives, husbands, lovers, friends and children. And fuck the comment about there needing to be a law banning guns…
With all due respect, you’ve completely glossed over the fact that none of the people you’ve mentioned (except in the case of “anger issues,” which isn’t actually medically diagnosis or condition?) are statistically more likely to actually commit gun violence. The larger public may *feel* safer, but there’s absolutely…