The family has the right to grieve however they wish. This particular request does come off as divisive and counter to the activism previously seen, but grief is its own animal, and the family has the right to proceed how they choose.
A good start would be hiring more women and people of color at the early stages and then agreeing to mentor them and go to bat for them. My wife worked for Viacom and many talented women and people of color were locked out of the good old boys club where connections and alliances are made over golf and drinks because…
50 shades was popular. Twilight was popular. Donald Trump is popular. The fact that something is popular does not mean it was/is good.
Cable modems do not work with Fiber to the home (FTTH). You need to look at Actiontec routers:
Cable modems do not work with Fiber to the home (FTTH). You need to look at Actiontec routers: https://www.actiontec.…
Is it a reach to suspect that the viewer saw headlines about the soldier who died in Niger and assumed she’s been misspelling the n-word all these years?
This is the biggest thing people must know about loot boxes. They prey on the hopelessly addicted, the zealous collectors, the casual gamer.
So when I’m getting down to my N.W.A. or Wu-Tang, which I’ve been listening to and singing along with for 20 damn years, you’re saying I can’t say the word that they say in the song? That’s ridiculous. It’s a song.
Kind of throwing the baby out with the bathwater, no?
between Sephora and Usher, herpes is having a real break out moment.
Yeah was looking them: “What in the world...?!?” as well.
I remember seeing some “reviews” in Metacritic where they gave the game zero points and said that it got that because it’s obviously made anti-Trump game about Trump supporters and it’s liberal propaganda.
“I recommend you sign up for the baseball team. I can tell you’d make a great catcher after seeing the video of you CATCHIN’ DEM HANDS.”
If violence isn’t solving your problem, you’re not using enough.
My brother was replaced by in Institute synth, but it’s fine. If anything, he’s nicer now.
The problem is everytime someone tries, sites like this write giant articles about how “Men are trying to take power away from *real* victims of sexual assault” and then accuse them of being sexist MRA sympathizers.
Meh, women do it all the time. If you’re a young father talking anything about raising a young girl you’re cut off, talked over, talked down to, etc. because you can’t possibly have the correct information to raise a woman because you’re a man.
Everyone talks down to everyone else when they think they know best. It’s…
I can agree with that. At this point it’s become so poorly defined that it’s used as a weapon (mostly on the internet) to discredit a person without actually refuting anything that person has to say. It’s like calling someone a troll when really, they just disagree with you.