
Kind of nice that the developers just say "Eh, just pirate the damn thing if you can't legally buy it in Australia", but maybe the devs should set up a tip jar so that Australians (and other pirates with a guilty conscience) can give them money even if they pirated the game.

Not the snake he was looking for.

Ah gotcha, yeah it came across as if it implied that Sony was at fault for the downtime. Unfortunately there isn't really much any company can do in the current tech environment to completely stop DDOS attacks, especially ones on this scale.

Kinda sad that these kinds of attacks seem to be becoming more frequent.

I meant it as apologising for the downtime as a courtesy for paying customers, but as your comment shows, that's probably not how it's going to read for most. So I've edited that out.

There's a whole lot of "thanks" in that message. Given so many people are paying for PS+ these days, a "sorry" or two couldn't have hurt.

DDoS attacks are nothing new. Sony wasn't the only one hammered by it, MS was also getting hammered. Anon was using the same tools to do the same thing to other sites in the past. Thing is, they don't really end up doing any damage, just annoying everyone, they didn't really "hack" anything, more like they caused a

Not everyone has a big happy family and sometimes the people you meet online and spend some much time with even if its just in a vitrual world and youve never seen them face to face you consider as your family

Thing is, I'm subscribed to the Game Theorists, and I wasn't notified that this video was up. :P

1. Because twitter is the medium through which all of this started, and the only one where it can be guaranteed Iggy would see his message.

Those people were wrong.

Nope, I like my privates too much.

my reaction.

Seriously how many more times do I need to keep buying all these re-releases in hopes of supporting it enough that they'll finally do an hd-remake or something.

The main point here is cross-platform play between PC and console, which Microsoft don't allow. So SFV is not coming to Xbox the same reason as FF14, Microsoft's closed system policy.

100% agree xD i still want the rest of the xenogears series since that game was just one episode. but i already know it will never happen

15. Xenogears

Needs more flags.

*Braces for incoming hatred*
I didn't like Just Cause 1 or 2 :/

Does it help with your superiority complex to stereotype individuals who chooses to play different electronic entertainment than you do as a "Dew-swilling, Dorito-munching dudebros"?